Chapter 17

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May 16, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

It has been 4 weeks since I arrived at my new home. Some things have changed for the better and some not so much. M1 and I have grown closer. It felt like more of a sibling rivalry more than a friendship but it worked for both of us. I was back to my morning runs which M1 still accompanied me. He says he liked starting his day with a run after I told him numerous times he didn't have to come. I haven't admitted it to him but I liked his company now and if I had to run on my own it would probably bother me more than it should. I was keeping that little secret to myself. Although he has gotten me to open up a little more. On our second ice cream rondevu I asked him about his girlfriend he lost and he said if I got to ask a question then he did too but of equal importance. I dropped the subject fast. Since then I would ask simple and small questions and he would do the same. Now I knew his favorite colour was blue. He hated mashed potatoes but loved pork roast. I knew what he was doing and so far I was ok with that. I started to want to know even more about him as well but always thought carefully before I asked a question.

School was pretty much the same. I avoided Jenson as much as I could and Nick would still pop up everywhere I was. Once in a while I would even shoot him a small smile, not often but it did happen. At the house I started to smile my good mornings to some of the kids my age and even say hi to the ones who were younger. All the young ones lived outside the big house with their families. Once M1 bribed me into playing tag with a bunch of kids that were maybe 10 years old. It was fun but uncomfortable. These kids were still so innocent and I didn't quite know how to interact with them. M1 said I did great but I was pretty sure he was just boosting my ego. When did I need my ego praised was beyond me but M1 was always there to do it when I had a bad day.

Things with Jenson had become more complicated. He still gave me death stares but it seemed like he was avoiding me almost as much as I was him. The biggest problem was the attraction I felt for him. Everytime we were in the same room I wanted so badly to be closer to him that it almost physically hurt to keep my distance. Hence the reason I avoided him. It was those hate filled eyes that kept my feet firmly in place instead of walking over to him. He even invaded my dreams. Very much X-rated dreams which so did not help my moods or the fact that I was getting to the point of needing intimate physical contact. Which of course put me in a foul mood more mornings then not. Thankfully the morning runs helped a bit. Well at least to get the edge off.

Uncle Thomas and Alexander seemed to watch me like a hawk when we were all in the same room. It was like they were waiting for something or trying to figure something out. It was unnerving but not as much when I found them watching M1 and I practising in the training room which we do three times a week now. The last time I was about to snap and demand them to tell me what they wanted but they announced that they had to go away on a business trip and would be back in a week. That was 4 days ago. Since they have been gone it was now Brad and M2 who watched silently in the shadows. There was something about M2 that made me very uncomfortable. I didn't trust the guy but had no reason not to. I went with my gut on that one. I almost asked M1 about him but we were interrupted and I forgot to bring it up again.

The other things that have been bothering me lately as well was that I seemed to bruise so easily and quickly. After the first bruise that M1 noticed he got upset and postponed training till it was gone which wasn't too bad since it disappeared in less than 3 days. Also now I have started to suffer bad cases of heartburn, which let me tell you is not comfortable at all. I am talking 3 times a week at least and it seemed to get worse as the days go by. It has even woken me up a few times. I now had a huge bottle of antacid on my nightstand. I never had it before so I wasn't sure why I had it all of a sudden now.

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