Chapter 39

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes


I was a mix between nervous and excited. All I wanted was this day to go off without any problems. Nick and I had everything worked out and Lola was adding the last minute details. Now I just had to keep Mac out of the training center. With Corey's help that shouldn't be a huge problem. She has been spending more time in the woods the past few days then anything else. It made sense her wolf was still healing and would take more comfort there then being surrounded by walls. As everyday passed I could see her improving. She was getting stronger physically. Emotional was another subject. She had changed a lot since the night she shifted for the first time and the night she tried to attack Jenson. Not that the little bastard didn't deserve it. I don't care what his excuses where he was wrong no matter what. The only reason I even let him near Mac was because he knew he was wrong and the chances of getting Mac back in his life were slim to none. He was trying to help her for her and not for himself.

None of us had on our rose coloured sunglasses when it came to Mac. We all knew she was off but we also decided to give her time and space. I was giving her another week and that was it. This babing her was what she needed at the moment but it would backfire soon. She needed to get back on track. I was the only one who thought that. I thought Nick would have agreed with me but he has not been himself since the night Mac broke down. Corey and Alpha Alexander told us with this kind of emotional trauma to her wolf she would feel nothing for a while but when her emotions came back it would hit her all at once. From what I heard it was bad.

Something happened between Nick and Mac that night, I just didn't know what but it must have been bad. Since then Mac has avoided Nick even more so then she did with Jenson. While Nick looked lost and confused. I brought it up to Nick once and he just walked away. Ever since that night Nick has not been himself. I watched him watch Mac and there was something in his eyes that I just couldn't figure it out. Once in a while when I caught her looking over at Nick all I saw in her was pain.

Mac and Corey have seemed to be spending some time together which in turn pissed of Jenson and Nick. I wasn't too thrilled about it but I was just glad she would talk to somebody. She had been keeping her distance from me again. She even thought her lame excuses why she couldn't train would keep me away. It didn't. She wasn't so much as avoiding me she just kept things quick and simple.

Then there was Jenson. The past couple of days I would watch him when Mac was around. Of course he was watching her and even got physically close to her. She had no reaction to him for the most part. She would answer questions that he asked without any attitude and then walk away. I even caught her a couple times looking over at him when he wasn't paying attention. The only expression on her face at those times was confusion. To an outsider you would only see a bond that was truly broken from the night she tried to attack him. His death consumed her mind, body and soul that night. But when you see that look in her eye it was filled with confusion. The bond was still there from what Jenson had told us, it was damaged but still in contact. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen that look in Mac's eyes. I think Corey did too but for everyone else it was gone. We didn't confirm or deny anything.

It worried me. If she was feeling even half the bond then I wasn't sure what she would do. He hurt her even if she will never admit it. The mating bond is deep inside us and that kind of betrayal leaves deep dark scares. That night when she broke down was proof of that. Now I just hoped that she was either strong enough to keep on fighting the bond which I had my doubts about because the more Jenson was around the stronger the bond would most likely grow again especially since he wanted her, needed her now. Oh I know he says he is around her to help her wolf and I believe him, but I also see the need in his eyes now. I think that realization that she was not a lost cause and the fear he had that he would have to kill his own mate won over anything else he was feeling. It was that fear that drove him to what he had done. It was that fear that had broken Mac and had her attack him. It was that fear that almost completely broke the bond. It was that scene when he told everyone about her past that tipped the scales from a possible relationship to nothing. Stupid moron.

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