Chapter 11

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

I woke up when I felt something soft in my hand. Blinking a couple times I noticed the sun was starting to show through my curtains. Moving my hand again I looked down to see my fingers entangled in someone's hair. This person was sitting in a chair with their upper body laying on the bed with their arm draped across my thighs.

The memories of last night's events came back. The training, getting punched in the face hard, being carried, the shower, the bruise, Nick rubbing cream on my bruise after tucking me in than him leaving and M1 sitting in a chair beside my bed. What I don't remember was Nick coming back to my room and me running my hands through his hair. As these memories came roaring back I unconsciously started to play with Nick's hair. Now the embarrassing part was that he had woken up during this time and watched me in my daze as I continued to run my hands over his head.

"Morning Love. How are you feeling?" I removed my hand quickly and sat up. I felt my cheeks start to warm.

"Ah...good. Why are you here?" I grabbed the blanket in time not to flash Nick my goods.

He looked a little disappointed before displaying his known smirk. "Remember it was either this or stay the night in the infirmary. Your bruise looks better. It has already moved from the black and blue stage to a sickly greenish yellow one." I didn't miss the guilt that flashed in his eyes when he looked at it before the smirk was back in place.

"What? Really?" I jumped out of bed barely keeping the towel in place as I rushed to the bathroom. He was right the bruise looked days old now instead of less than 12 hours. "How?" I asked while staring at my reflection.

Nick stood at the door leaning against the frame with his hands in his pocket. "It was the cream. Some old fashioned remedy. It works wonders as you can see. Anyways I need to jump in the shower. I will meet you downstairs. I'm driving you in today. Tony barely slept so I told him to get some sleep." With that he was gone and I was still staring at the miracle in the reflection. Old fashioned remedy? They could make a fortune on this stuff.

I couldn't ignore the growling of my stomach this morning and I knew an apple would not be enough. Dreading the group of people I was most likely to run into I straightened my shoulders and headed downstairs. I didn't care what anyone thought of me. I just really did not like crowds or the questioning stares I no doubt would receive.

"Come eat before it gets cold," Nick greeted me on the other side of the island where he had almost finished his breakfast and pushed a full plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast towards me.

It was just the two of us and I ate quickly. For one reason I was hungry and the other was because I wanted to get out of here. So far I was in a decent mood and I was hoping to stay that way for a little while longer. But of course that little bit of hope came crashing down.

"Hey baby." Some blonde came up wrapping her arms around Nick's neck placing a kiss on his cheek. "Where were you last night? I missed you," she pouted. Her voice alone was like nails on a chalkboard.

"Busy," he grunted. "Listen I will see you later at school. Get a ride with Drew." I really did try to ignore what was happening in front of me but it was hard. The guy that I saw last night was not the same one I first met or even the one in front of me now. Nick was just like him.

I saw his arm snake around her hips before squeezing her ass before pulling her close against his body right before smashing their lips together trying to see who still had their tonsils. It really bothered me and I didn't know why. Sure I thought he was hot but at the same time a douchebag. Maybe it was the small sliver of kinship I felt last night. The concern and guilt I saw in his face. Maybe it was even that possible spark of caring and smaller possibility of friendship blossoming. It didn't matter now because the guy in front of me now made me sick. I remembered he was just a playboy that looked to get into the next girls pants. He was the bully that picked on other kids who were weaker than himself. He was nothing more than my punching bag for last night. It was just like at the beginning with him. I would never allow that to happen again. I would never be that weak again.

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