Chapter 23

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May 16, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes


It was 2 days since I heard Nick's fearful voice over the phone. It was 2 days and Mac refuses to wake up from her deep sleep. More like an unconscious state but I prefer the former. We were about to put an IV in her before she finally woke up and stayed awake for more than 5 minutes. Mac was convinced it was the flu. We weren't so sure. Ok that wasn't true we all knew damn well that it wasn't the flu. After we finally got some food in her we asked about the pain she kept mumbling about. She blew it off at first but finally confessed that she has been having these sharp pains in her chest and stomach. That was cause for alarm but still the symptomes she was having didn't make sense. We had already scheduled a meeting to discuss Mac and her progress but that was put off till she was awake and we were able to talk to her.

Nick, Thomas and myself took turns staying by her side those couple of days. As soon as she was awake and color started to come back in her cheeks and she ate we left her to fall back asleep and in Luna Lola's hands. That was a few hours ago. I hated to leave her but I had pack business to attend that I had neglected while Mac was unconscious. Thomas told me that Mac was doing better and was actually up and walking now. Well that was an hour ago.

Now we were all back in our Alpha's office for the overdue meeting with Jenson as a no show once again. The Alpha was beyond pissed but was doing his best to keep it under control. The tension in the pack was growing and no one knew why except for this small group. Our fears and concerns were spreading to the others. Something had to be done soon before things started to become a real problem and to top it off there were now sightings of rogues in our area. A lot more than the norm. That piece of information did not help and the timing was horrible. My biggest fear was that Mac's time was running out and I wasn't sure if Alpha Alexander was going to grant us the time to help her or just cut his losses. The thought of losing her made me sick at the very least. I knew I couldn't lose her and wouldn't but I wasn't sure if I was willing to lose everything else in the process. I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to do what may need to be done to save her. After talking to Nick I knew he had similar feelings but neither of us spoke of the possibilities. Or more accurately the lengths we would go to save her.

"We have a lot to discuss so let's start off with Mac. How has she been?" Alpha Alexander asked. It has been a long couple of weeks for him and Thomas and it was starting to show. As soon as they returned from their hunt to find out more about Mac the rogue issue came up. This past week we have had 3 other Alpha's show up to talk about it and him and Thomas left to visit 2 other Alpha's. Hence this meeting was taking place a few days later than first originally planned.

The question was directed at me first. "I do not advise that we wait any longer. I think she might be in the process of her first shift. She's physically ill and her stamina is not even half of what it was before she collapsed. She thinks she has the flu but we all know it's not that. She is more emotional and that causes her anger to flare. She truly hates feeling weak. She is having problems keeping her food down as well. Most of these are signs of the on coming change. Well all except the food issue. The pain she describes doesn't feel right either. Normally we all eat twice as much but with her having a human mother things might be different. I have not found a lot of information on cases like hers besides the change is a lot harder and more than half do not survive." I just found out the latter last night. When she first collapsed I have been reading everything I could get my hands on. There was very little information on cases like Mac. I wasn't sure if it was because no one cared to document it or because each case was a little different from the one before.

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