Chapter 3

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May 14, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better....No plot changes

As soon as I hit the pillow I swear my alarm was going off. Four hours of sleep was not enough after a day like yesterday. Grabbing for my phone I swipt of the alarm. I had 15 minutes to get up, find clothes, and try to look somewhat human. The first two I could accomplish but the third was going to be a challenge.

My workout gear was easy to find since I packed it last. Slipping on a pair of spandex running shorts, a workout shirt which was basically a sports bra and a zip up hoodie sweatshirt I was dressed. Brushing my teeth and hair before making sure my golden brown wavy hair was all secured in a high ponytail, I slipped on socks and my shoes and I was ready with 2 minutes to spare. Grabbing my, now fully charged, ipod off the nightstand I headed for the door.

Swinging the door open I spotted M1 standing there with his hand up ready to knock on my door. I raised a single brow as my question. "Thomas asked me to show you around this morning then he will meet up with you after lunch. He has an early meeting. So breakfast first or do you run first?" M1 asked.

I stared at him for a moment and checked out what he was wearing. I frowned a little. Sure, loose basketball shorts and a loose shirt looked comfortable but I prefered more fitting clothing. It prevented less friction and less chance of getting caught on anything. "I run first. Alone." I stated before stepping around M1 that seemed to take up the entire doorway. Damn the guy was huge. Not fat by any stretch of the imagination just very well built. More like a bodybuilder. I was wondering if he would even have the stamina to do a five mile run.

"It will be...No one knows you and you do not know the area so it is better if I show you around." He said. I knew it was a lost cause trying to argue about this plus it was just too damn early.

I just grunted and headed downstairs and out the front door while M1 followed. The air was warmer than I thought it would have been for this time in the morning. I knew my hoodie would not be needed. Looking around I wasn't sure which way to run. In order to get the run I was accustomed to I figured I would have to go down the long driveway and head for the road. Decision made I started to stretch my still groggy muscles a little. After a few minutes my muscles felt a little looser and I was ready. Stripping off my hoodie, strapping my ipod to my armband and placing the earbuds in I was ready. Setting a 30 minute alarm so I knew when to turn back. I started off not waiting for M1, who ended up talking to a couple people at the door. Once I started stretching he turned his back and ignored me. I used that to my advantage. I guess he will find out soon enough one of the worst things he could do was turn his back on me. I internally giggled at the thought.

My music wasn't as loud as I usually have it since I wanted to stay more aware of my surroundings since this was a completely new area so when M1 started to curse once he realized I had already left then made a comment about not wearing appropriate clothing in public I just shook my head. Seriously what the hell am I supposed to wear when I workout? I inwardly sighed and hoped this run would be one without him trying to talk to me.

Thirty minutes later my alarm went off and I started to slow my pace a bit to look behind me for any oncoming traffic. When there wasn't any I crossed the road and started to head back. My legs started to feel that familiar burn that I craved. My breathing was still even but a little heavier which was usually for my halfway mark. So far so good. I was even impressed that M1 had no problems keeping the pace I set. I was even more impressed that his breathing was even more regular than mine. Maybe even a little jealous. I guess I judged him unfairly at first. Not something I usually did but then again I am far from being perfect. Halfway back I started to increase my speed. I always did this to push myself further and faster. I needed to improve my physical stamina. I always had room to improve.

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