Chapter 15

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

When I reached my locker I noticed Nick was just down the hall. He wasn't so much as staring but I felt his eyes on me enough to figure out he was watching. As I made it to my first class I caught Nick once again from the corner of my eye. Math class went by with no complications or drama. It was starting to become my favourite class even though our teacher Mr. Arnold got sidetracked way too easily. One down and 3 to go. As soon as I stepped out of math class I spotted Nick again. I was starting to wonder if he had classes close by or if he was stalking me. The real question was did I care enough to ask? The answer, nope. Sitting in my history class the teacher must have been running late since half the class was already in our seats. Another 5 minutes later the class was full and the teacher finally made her appearance. It was a bit disappointing but what really killed my mood was who walked in right after. Jenson. Of course I couldn't go without him being in at least one of my classes. He spotted me right away but didn't look surprised to see me. I think it was the first time I seen him look at me without anger or murder burning through his eyes. I was tempted to stare him down to see how fast I could change that but the bigger part of me decided the best action was just to ignore him. Now only if he would do the same. It didn't help that I wanted to look at him or the fact that I could feel him when he was close by. It was weird and oddly pleasant which in turn irritated me.

The whole class involved taking notes as each slide popped up. My hand was starting to cramp halfway through. Well that was my excuse for everytime I stopped writing then had to hurry to catch up. I could feel someone staring and it made me more than a little uncomfortable. It was distracting and I had a problem sitting still. I thought I might know who it was but a part of me was too chicken to look and the other part didn't care. If I was being completely honest I was more nervous about turning around to actually face who was staring me down more than anything. With that realization had me disgusted with myself with the fact that I was weak enough to have this guy affect me this way. I almost asked to go to the washroom but running was not usually my thing so I forced myself to sit through the rest of the class and kept my eyes up front. Never letting them wander to the right where they so badly wanted to look.

I wasn't stupid enough not to know that this thing I felt about Jenson was normal. I have never had such mixed emotions about anything in my life. Hell I already knew his name, only because I was actually listening to find out who he was. He was clearly the most attractive guy I had laid my eyes on but at the same time the sight of him made me physically ill and not in a good way. I wanted to get lost in those beautiful emerald green eyes but at the same time I wanted to show my thumbs in them so he would stop looking at me with such hate. I haven't done anything to the guy. Well beside to tell him off but that was only after he opened his mouth when it was no concern of his. Then there was this need to be close to him. To touch him but then followed with the urge to run as far as I could get away from him.

When the bell rang I jumped out of my passing thought and found I had fallen behind and missed the last few slides. Grateful it was lunch, I left my books on the desk and went to talk to the teached. "Sorry Mrs. Smith, I fell behind a bit, would you mind if I look at the last couple of slides and write them down? It will only take me a couple of minutes." I think that has been the most I spoke since I have been here nevermind talking in this class. A couple students who were taking their time to leave all just stared. Even Mrs. Smith just stared for a moment before nodding and turned her laptop my way so I could scroll through the missed slides. Grabbing my binder and pen I quickly wrote what I missed. Saying my thanks when I was done before packing up my bag to head out.

Not in the mood to eat or deal with a room full of loud teenagers, I headed back for my locker to switch out my books for the afternoon classes. Once again I felt as if someone was following me but I also knew it wasn't Jenson. When he was around my body seemed to hum with awareness. Ignoring the presences and the odd little shuffle from a foot catching the uneven floor I kept walking to my locker. Just as I reached it I spun around on the heels of my feet. "What do you want?" I snapped. Not surprised to find Nick 10 feet behind me.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing. Just making sure you are ok."

What the hell was his game? "Well I don't need your help or your concern. I can take care of myself so why don't you go run along to that girlfriend of yours." I spun back around to open my locker.

"Girlfriend?" He sounded generally confused. "I don't have a girlfriend."

And this is why I didn't like talking to people because when I did I didn't know how to keep my mouth shut. "Ah so you just play tonsil hockey with any random girl who puts their arms around you? Not a big surprise there." I muttered the last part. "See he is just like him." I muttered to myself.

Nick was now 3 feet beside me leaning against the lockers with his hands casually stuffed in his front pockets of his jeans. "Hmm you sound a little jealous there Mac." His smirk had replaced his moment of confusion. "Who do I remind you of?"

My body tensed before I made myself relax. I snorted. I know it was far from ladylike but I never did claim to be one. "Yeah. Nope. Can't say I have anything to be jealous of the house skank. Even I have better morals than that and trust me that is saying something." Slamming my locker door I left the stunned Nick still leaning against the lockers.

When I turned the corner I heard him say, "What the hell did she mean by that? Who do I remind her of? Mac!" When I heard his feet moving in a slow jog I slipped in the bathroom and waited in there till the bell rang. It was a quiet place to get ahead in my history class. No I was not hiding. I was enjoying some quiet time. They are two completely different things. Now only if I would learn to keep my damn big mouth shut. I was really starting to hate being around these people. I wasn't sure if I just slipped up more here then I had before or if they just paid more attention? Either way I didn't like it and I would have to try harder.

In science we ended up getting partnered up. I wasn't sure if it was karma or fate but my partner ended up to be the same kid that Drew pushed around in gym and Nick tripped in the cafeteria. I was right, his name was Jason. At first he was nervous but once he figured out I wasn't some idiot and actually had a brain and did my own work he relaxed. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the confidence he had when it came to science. He was well spoken but quiet. Not big on small talk which I very much approved of. If I had to be stuck with a partner I was glad it was him.

To my unwelcome surprise Jenson was also in my gym class. What have I really done to deserve this much bad luck? Sure I have not been the nicest person in the world the past couple years and sure I have a huge attitude issue with plenty of anger to boot but I earned the right to be angry. I earned the right not to trust people. I earned the right to defend myself. So once again I ask why do I deserve to be where I am right now?

I came close to feeling defeated with the only class I really enjoyed. A couple of people just ruined it for me but then the coach announced that the girls would be practicing on the obstacle course while the guys ran their laps and then we would switch up halfway through the period. Maybe there was someone looking down on me with a smile after all. My semi shitty day just got better! The excitement of that thought knocked me back a bit. I was blaming some asshole who didn't like me for whatever reason on how my day went. To be in all fairness he hasn't done anything to me and neither has Nick. Sure they were douchebags but whatever. I have dealt with people like them for years and I haven't let them affect me this much in the past two years. So why all of a sudden did these people get under my skin? Besides the fact Nick reminded me of him but all that happened 3 years ago so seriously shouldn't I be over it by now?

This was my problem and not theirs. Well unless they made it theirs. I could almost understand why my uncle went off on me yesterday. I must look like some spoiled brat with anger issues. Sure I had a right to be angry but they didn't know that. I had no plans to share that knowledge with him either but at least I could grow up and take more responsibilities for my actions. I guess this was what it meant to grow up. Of course this realization didn't mean I would become best friends with anyone but it could mean I didn't have to be such a bitch all the time. And it didn't mean I needed to trust people but it did mean I could try and not be so damn cold. What the hell were these people doing to me?

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