Chapter 19

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May 16, 2020 edited

"Go away," I mumbled when I felt my bed shake for the third time. Was it my bed or was someone shaking my shoulder.

"I told you not to work yourself so hard yesterday." Ah the annoying chirper M1. Kidding! He was grumbling again.

I rolled on my back and stretched. My chest felt tight, my body ached and I was tired but overall felt a hell of a lot better than last night. Opening my eyes a little I could see the sun beaming through the small opening of my curtains. "Didn't I warn you about unannounced visits?" I glanced down wondering if he would have another mini flip out but I actually put on a night shirt for a change.

"Well if you got up on time then I wouldn't have to be your personal wake up call. It's 7am. Are you feeling ok? You look a little pale." His smart mouth attitude changed to concern. As he reached to rest his hand on my forehead I knocked it away.

"Im fine. Just something I ate that didn't agree with me last night. Get out so I can have a quick shower. I will meet you in the car in 30." I shooed him out and moved as quickly as I could which was a lot slower than usual. I think he was right about working myself to hard yesterday. My whole body was sore.

Showered and dressed I did a quick look in the long mirror to make sure all was decent and nothing sticking out like a sock in my pocket or hanging out my pant leg. It has happened before. As I was about to leave I looked again. There just peeking out the top of my tank top was a blueish green mark. Pulling down my shirt I saw a bruise the size of my fist on my chest. I didn't remember getting hit there last night in training but that didn't mean it didn't happen. I have been bruising a lot easier than before but they left pretty quick so there was an upside to it.

Ripping off my black button shirt, slipping off my tank I dug in my drawers for a simple T-shirt. I, personally, didn't care about the bruise but M1 got weird with them. If he saw a mark on me it meant training got postponed. I had tried everything but he was stubborn on this rule. When I caught him looking at my bruises before it was like it caused him pain. Physically or mentally I wasn't sure but I knew there was pain. If it wasn't for that stupid deal we had about asking questions than I would have asked him but something that personal only meant he could ask me of something as equally deep. I wasn't ready for that step yet. I wasn't sure if that step would ever be crossed but I did know that if it was it would be with M1. I really trusted him and I respected him. That was huge in my books.

I ended up running down the stairs and out the door where M1 was already sitting in the SUV and had it started. After I had my seatbelt on he passed me a power bar and a bottle of juice. The first powerbar I had downed in seconds. The second one he passed me I took my time on. I could feel him take quick side long glimpses at me but I ignored him. I knew I looked pale and didn't need him to tell me again.

When we pulled into the parking lot he had to stop behind a car so instead of waiting for him to find a parking spot like he usually did I jumped out with a wave of thanks and jogged to the school doors. When I reached my locker Nick and his click were standing down the hall. Nick did a double take at my appearance and raised a questioning brow. I ignored it and him like I did most days at school when he was surrounded by the village idiots. Yeah, I know that was harsh but I called it as I saw it.

Math class went by quick like it usually did and I was starting to feel more myself. Sure my chest was still tight but the rest of my body didn't ache anymore. Now if I could just get rid of this uneasy feeling that settled in the bottom of my gut. But that could also have to do with the fact that I was now in history class with the one and only Jenson. I didn't know what but something was different. He avoided me like I did him but there was this energy around him today and it wasn't a pleasant one. I used to always trust my gut but with him around I couldn't. I should have listened to it.

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