Chapter 16

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

By the time school was done I had resolved I would at least try with M1. He would be my guinea pig sorta speak. Overall he hasn't done anything to me and he even apologized for yelling at me yesterday and gave me his number in case I ever needed it. As I walked out the school's front door I walked a little taller and felt a little lighter. I was also surprised I was looking forward to our outing. Well if he didn't cancel that is. And there is that doubt and negativity again. I sighed as I started to walk over to where M1 was parked. He looked nervous and that automatically brought up my defenses.

"Hey Mac. How was school?" It was an innocent enough question but my guard was still up.

He opened up the passenger door for me and I answered, "Fine."

When he jumped in the drivers side he started the car but we didn't move. I knew what was coming. He was going to cancel the ice cream trip. See, this is why I don't let people get too close to me. All it ever meant was another disappointment. What pissed me off even more was that I allowed myself to be hopeful. I allowed myself to think he was different. I was stupid plain and simple.

" you still want to get that ice cream?" I didn't answer right away because there was no way I was going to say yes just for him to shoot me down. "If you don't want to that's ok." He added.

What? Was he canceling or not? I had to think of my words carefully. "If you want to go then sure but if not then whatever, It doesn't matter." I shrugged my shoulders and hoped my voice sounded even.

He let a breath out that he seemed to be holding. "Great! I haven't been there in a few years. I hope they haven't changed it much." M1 was smiling as he backed out of the parking spot and headed in the direction I went yesterday when I ate at the pizzeria.

"So have you decided what you want yet?" We have been standing in the old fashion ice cream parlor for about 5 minutes while he waited for me to make up my mind. I knew what I wanted but my mind kept running away from me waiting for the other shoe to drop, like him saying "Just joking let's get home!" It never happened.

"A medium hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge," I responded.

"A girl after my own heart," he said to me as he walked up to the counter. "Can we please have two hot fudge sundaes with extra hot fudge. One medium and one large." He asked the young highschool student on the other side of the counter who was having problems focusing as she stared at M1.

I had to laugh. The guy was hot and didn't even realize it. Most of the girls were either openingly staring at him or shy enough just to do a quick glance every couple of minutes. I was still chuckling to myself after we got our sundaes and sat in one of the booths.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked with his own smile on his face.

I shook my head. "For someone who watches everything and sees things that others don't you sure don't notice the obvious."

He tilted his head to the side and looked around the parlor. I could tell he truly didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Watching him look around while not being too obvious I decided to let him out of his misery. "Every girl in this place is practically drooling over you and you don't see it or you don't care."

"Oh." Was all he said then dug into his sundae.

We sat in a comfortable silence enjoying our ice cream. The ratio between vanilla soft serve ice cream and the hot fudge was perfect. It wasn't moan worthy but damn close.

"It's both I guess," M1 broke the silence. I raised a questioning eyebrow since my mouth was full of gooey yumminess. "About not noticing or caring." He looked down right before placing another spoonful of heaven between his lips. After he swallowed he surprised me by continuing. "Almost 4 years ago there was my...girlfriend. She was my everything. My world. Then she was killed and there hasn't been anyone since. Not sure there ever will be."

Oh. I wasn't great at expressing myself or consoling others but I figured staying silent would be rude. "I am sorry for your loss." As soon as it came out of my mouth I wanted to slap myself. It sounded so lame and typical. "You seem like a great guy and you're hot so it would be a shame to stop your life. If you cared for her that deeply she must have been a real great girl and I can't see her wanting you not to be happy." Ok still sounded corny and I stopped from rolling my eyes at my own words.

"Thanks Mac," He looked up and smiled at me. "So you think I'm hot do you? I don't know you may be a little too young for me." I knew he was teasing me. Well pretty sure he was.

This time I did roll my eyes. "Listen old man I didn't say I wanted to fuck you or have your babies," I responded in my own teasing manner.

At first he choked on his ice cream, once he caught his breath he narrowed his eyes and snapped, "Dammit Mac, seriously we are out in public. Language!" All I could do was laugh at him and he soon followed.

Our moment of confession and heartache was gone and now we were back into a comfortable silence after he scolded me. The rest of the time we spent together was nice and comfortable. It wasn't like we chatted the whole time because that wasn't me and it's not like I could or would change in a few short minutes or even overnight but by the time we arrived back home I was pretty sure I was willing to take a chance on possibly building a friendship with M1. I was even looking forward to it. When we got out of the car M1 moved closer to me and started to show me some stupid videos of some interlectually challenged dogs. I was still laughing when we walked in the door. I was so engrossed in the last video that I didn't see the small audience that were standing in the foyer. My eyes met with Jenson green furious eyes first. There was so much hate in them that I actually took a step back because the sight caught me so off guard. The second thing I noticed was the blonde that was sucking on his neck as Jenson held her close to his side. From the corner of my eye I noticed Nick, Drew, and a couple other girls dressed in as little clothes as possible and they weren't workout clothes. Well not the workout you do to better your health.

"Mac?" It was M1 voice filled with concern at either my sudden change of behavior or the fact that it was his chest I rammed into when I took a step back.

I could sense his hand move up to touch my arm but I jumped away and took my eyes of the hatred in Jenson's eyes to look at M1. "Thanks again for today." With that said I moved towards the stairs and went to my room. I would have loved to run up the stairs to get away from him, from all that group but I kept my laid back pace proving to myself and them that they did not chase me away. Even though that was a lie.

When I reached the next floor I heard some grumbling than M1's voice which seemed loud and clear. "I answer to your father and only your father." After that either I was too far to hear or the talking had stopped. 

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