Chapter 18

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May 16, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better....No plot changes

I woke up with a bladder that was ready to burst any second. My eyes were barely open when I jumped out of bed to run to the bathroom shutting the door automatically behind me. Finishing my business I looked in the mirror to see that my hair had a mind of its own. Medusa would have been envious. Deciding a quick shower would be easier than trying to tame this mess attached to my head, I turned on the shower and jumped in. Ten minutes later I was fully awake with manageable hair. Grabbing the only towel I had in here I quickly dried my body. Using the same small towel I started to rub it through my hair as I walked back into the bedroom.

    It was there that I spotted a very shocked M1 and a semi surprised Nick standing in my room. We all kinda stood there with me in my birthday suit, M1 mouth hanging open and Nick's growing smile. M1 was the first to turn around to give me his back.

    "Fuck Mac put some damn clothes on!" He continued to curse. "Nick if you do not turn around right now I swear to you I will beat you an inch from your life!" M1 growled and shoved Nick's shoulder since he wasn't moving fast enough for him.

    Me on the other hand was shocked to see them both there but I was fine with nudity. Don't get me wrong standing in front of a room full of strangers while they gawked at me would have me uncomfortable but here in my own room with people I trust I was fine with. Wait trust? Did I trust M1. Ok that was an easy answer. Yes. Did I trust Nick? No, but I also don't think he would try anything in a sexual nature. Oh sure he would flirt and push his limits but I was pretty sure that was as far as he would go without the person's permission. For me being nakid did not mean sex, it was just freedom. Oh don't get me wrong I wasn't saying seeing an attractive naked guy in front of me would not get my engines revved because it might but it wasn't like I was going to take him right then and there.

    "You kinda have my towel." I said to M1. He raised it up as if it had miraculously popped into his hand. Without saying a word he threw it over his shoulder. Wrapping it around my body making sure everything was covered more for M1 sake than mine. "Ok, I am decent."

    Nick looked disappointed when he turned around while M1 looked annoyed. "How the hell is a towel that barely covers you classified as decent?" M1 asked.

    "Ok," I placed my hands on my hips staring at M1. "Listen. If you come in my room unannounced there is a decent chance you will see me like this or with even less on so you can do one of two things. Stop coming in my room unannounced or just deal with it because it could be a lot worse. Say for example I could train in even less clothing. Your choice." He stood there dumbfounded. "Seriously am I that gross to look at?" I was a little hurt. Not that he didn't look at me with lust in his eyes but the fact that he almost looked repulsed by the sight of me.

    "What?" His voice was shrill. "No. No. It's not that it's just your only...your Mac." He tried to explain.

    I knew what he was going to say first and it bothered me more than it should have. Sure I only thought of him like a brother but I wasn't a kid. Haven't been for a while. "Only 17? That was what you were going to say wasn't it. I am not a kid. And you know I am not innocent either.  I have not slept around but I have been with people before. My first time was at 14 then not till years later right after my dad... Just stop treating me like a kid because I can assure you the way I fuck is nothing like a kid would do!" M1 looked pale and Nick looked uncomfortable. I was appalled by what came out of my mouth but I couldn't take it back now. So the only option was to change the subject immediately.

    "Are you here to get me so we can train?" I asked turning my back and walked to my dresser so I could get some clothes.

    Someone cleared their throat but it was Nick who answered. "Actually no, we were just checking up on you since you were sleeping so long. It's 9am."

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