Chapter 37

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better....No plot changes

I found myself standing in front of the punching bag. I don't remember walking here. I don't remember wrapping up my hands and I don't have a clue how long I have been standing here staring at the stupid punching bag. I don't remember anything after I walked away from Jenson.

"Mac are you ok?" A deep voice asked. I knew I seen him before. I was pretty sure he was one of the guys I used to see working out with Nick. Looking into his eyes I could see his concern.

I tore my eyes off his and looked around. There were a few people standing close by and all looking our way. I don't even remember seeing anyone. I just don't remember. "I...I...don't think so." I replied. I heard him talking but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

My vision was once again filled with the motionless red punching bag. As I stared straight ahead my vision started to blur than fade. I was once again back in my old bedroom where I grew up in. I was upset that my dad couldn't make it for my birthday. Johnny came over to cheer me up and told me a beautiful girl should never spend her birthday alone. I remember thinking how sweet he was and how I was starting to fall in love with him. I remember the way he kissed me and carried me to my room. I thought it was the most romantic thing ever. I remembered when things started to go too far. I wasn't ready for that. All we have ever done was kiss and hold hands. He was pushing too hard and too fast. I couldn't stop his hands from going under my shirt, he just seemed to be everywhere. When I finally was able to stop him he was so angry. He accused me of not loving him and that I was just a tease. Then the next minute he told me he loved me and would never leave me. He promised me he would always be here for me. He promised he would be gentle and go slow. I didn't want to but was so scared he would leave and I would be alone again. He broke those promises that night as well as broke my heart.

When I cried and screamed telling him it hurt he just pushed harder. When I screamed for him to stop he just held me down and became rougher. He ignored everything I said and did. While I laid under him in tears he finally finished with one last grunt before he got off me and pulled his pants up. I remembered the smirk on his face and his cold eyes. I don't remember what he said but I knew I cried harder after he left. I remember I couldn't move for hours after because of the pain. The rest of the weekend I stayed in bed and cried.

My dad didn't come home till the following week. It was the worst week I had ever had. Johnny had his arm around another girl that Monday. He was already with someone else. That was when he started the rumors. I meant nothing to him. I was just another girl that he stole her virginity. That was when the other kids started to bully me. That was when I got into my first fight and lost badly. I didn't know who to fight, never mind defending myself. That day when I walked in the door with a black eye, a cut on my forehead and a bloody nose was the day my dad came home. I had never seen him so mad before. I thought he was mad at the kids who beat me till I laid on the ground not able to move but no he was mad at me. He was so upset that I let someone beat me. He was mad because I was weak. The next day was when we started our training. I was so upset with the way he was acting and blaming me for what happened. It broke my already unstable heart even more.

It was a few weeks after my birthday that I was dragged into the boys washroom. They gagged me so my screams were muffled. They pinned me down to the ground while they roughly grabbed my body. All this happened while Johnny stood at the door of a stall and laughed while giving them directions. By the time the janitor walked in, my shirt was torn up the middle, my bra was ripped with my breast fully exposed and my jeans were just being pulled down past my hips. I fought and fought but I was no match for 5 guys. That was the last day I saw Johnny or the other boys.

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