Chapter 2

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May 14, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

The drive was long and quiet. M1 tried to start up a conversation a couple times but with my one word answers and a couple grunts he gave up within 30 minutes. Sitting in the back of a black SUV I stared out the window while listening to my music. I kept it low enough so I could hear anything that may have been said but they didn't talk. The whole four hour drive I could feel their eyes on me which I ignored. I was getting annoyed, grumpy and hungry but decided keeping my mouth shut would be the better route to go. See I don't alway pick fights. It usually starts off with a sarcastic comment that leads to more. Sometimes my sarcastic comment and sometimes not. Honestly I prefer not to speak to anyone. It's not that I was shy, I just don't like anyone or could care less what anyone had to say.

I had to admit the last hour the scenery was pretty. I had to fight my body from relaxing too much but with the scenery it was a challenge. We were surrounded by the woods and mountains. The last town we went through was almost an hour ago and the last house I saw was about 45 minutes ago. I started to notice the odd gravel road a few minutes ago that branched off this main road but saw nothing else. They seemed to lead nowhere.

Between my body getting stiff from spending so much time sitting and the 7 hour plane ride plus the 4 hour car ride I was getting really tired and hungry. I was just about to ask how much longer we had to go before I heard a chirp coming from a phone.

M2 picked up his phone and placed it to his ear. "We will be there in 5 minutes." He said to whoever was on the other line. There was a couple yes' and a no before the phone call was done.

As to his word less than 5 minutes later we turned on to a wide dirt road. Another 2 minutes and I saw the first building I had seen in awhile. It was huge! It looked more like a glorified fancy 5 story hotel with a few homes farther out. The place was surrounded by trees just like Uncle Thomas had said.

"Here we are Miss Stevens. If you will follow me I will bring you to your Uncle Thomas." M1 stated as he opened the car door and waited for me to join him.

"It's a Mac. Not Miss Stevens." I grumbled.

With a nod he led the way forward. I wanted to take my time to check everything out but exhaustion had my feet follow him and in hopes for a bed sooner than later. M1 opened the double doors and led us inside. I was a few feet in the foyer when I felt eyes on me. I stopped to look around. The place was homey with its rich dark wood and creamy beige walls. What wasn't homey was the 20 pair of eyes that were staring at me from the room on the left. I did not like crowds and walking into a new environment with this many new faces was far from comfortable.

"So this is the infamous niece," A males voice said from behind me right before I felt a gentle finger slide from my waist, across my back to end at my shoulder.

I moved before I even thought. I had his wrist firmly in my hand and his body over my shoulder landing on his back. His wrist still in my hand I twisted his arm and had my boot covered foot against his throat. "DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME." I did not yell, my voice was low, controlled and threatening.

I knew everyone was now standing rigid compared to the relaxed state just seconds ago.but I ignored them keeping most of my focus on the scum under my boot. If someone moved towards me I would deal with them but until then I would deal with the scum under my boot. When the guy I had on the ground smiled I added more pressure on his throat and twisted his arm a little more. When his smile grew I threw his arm away as if it burnt me. "You are a sick fuck aren't you?" It was not meant as a compliment.

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