Chapter 8

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better....No plot changes

 As soon as I walked outside leaving the school I spotted M1 waiting outside of the SUV by the passenger side door. After seeing Nick's buddy eat dirt and get a little karma payback I had a spring in my step. Yes I know it was not a nice thing to do but to be fair the dickhead deserved it.

"How was your first day?" M1 asked while he watched me with suspicion. Damn did he look at everyone that way or just me?

"Fine." I shrugged my shoulders and hopped in the passenger side and closed the door before M1 could.

The drive home was quiet. Neither of us said anything till he pulled down the gravel road. "About the training, it will have to wait till after dinner. I have a few things I have to do." M1 informed me. It didn't take a mind reader to know he still was not happy with the arrangement. Making some BS excuses just added fuel to the fire.

"Ok. Listen if you don't want to train me then just tell me who else I can ask to help me." If the guy wanted nothing to do with it then I was better off with someone else who wanted to help. It was as simple as that.

The house was now in view. M1 stayed quiet for a few seconds before he sighed. "No, I will do it. At least I will know you will be trained properly." Yep, still not happy but he sounded more defeated about the task than anything else. I let it go.

As soon as we got inside I ran up stairs and headed for the shower. I wanted to get my homework done before dinner.

Finally it was time for dinner and I was starving, again. Heading downstairs I heard a fair amount of voices. I guess I was a bit early. Turning the corner I heard someone growl and yell, "YOU!" I swung around to see a few guys standing there, one included Nick and another very red faced angry guy that was staring daggers right at me. "You little bitch!"

"Excuse me?" I said, I was actually confused and couldn't figure out why this guy was so pissed.

"You fucking tripped me on purpose!" Oh now I knew who he was. HAHA

Keeping the confusion on my face I stared at him for a minute. The room was starting to fill up with curious by standards. "Trip you?" I asked, playing out my best confused face I could muster. Beside the guy I did trip was Nick whose face was growing suspiciously red as well but it wasn't from anger, more so from holding in his amusement. "Oh shit! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you without dirt all over your face. Hey man sorry about that but I swear it was an accident!" The guy was so mad I was certain I was about to see smoke come out of his ears!

"Mac what did you do?" This was M1 who spoke this time.

I swung around to the side where I heard his voice. "Nothing! I swear!" I could feel my eyes go wide to help carry off my fake innocents. "Ask Nick!" I pointed to him knowing he was on the verge of losing his composure to laughter. "He was right there! It was an accident! I said I was sorry!"

And on cue Nick lost it and roared which pissed off his buddy even more. It didn't take him long to almost control himself enough to slap his buddy on the back. "Come on Drew relax buddy. I am pretty sure it was just an accident. Let it go man." With that said Nick grabbed Drew by the arm and dragged him off towards the kitchen.

I could feel daggers beaming holes in the back of my head and I already knew who it was. Keeping my innocence on my face I turned back to M1. Another guy maybe my age stood beside him and passed him a phone while he looked at me and chuckled. I watched M1 look at whatever the guy gave him and I saw his lips twitch to a half amused smile before he wiped his face clean and looked at me with a serious look. "A.J. delete that and make sure no one else sees it." Phone back in A.J.s hand he walked away while he fingers flew over the screen. Amusement still clear on his face. "And you!" M1 stepped up close to me and bent down so his words were just a whisper. "It was clearly not an accident. The video I just watched was proof enough. I don't know why you did it and nor do I care. Don't do it again. Dammit Mac not even one day and you already started shit!" Before I could tell him where to go and how to get there he stomped off.

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