Chapter 12: Gone

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"Tried to move on, couldn't help to think of you." - Kane Brown

I felt it again, the excitement in my stomach.
Our kiss deepened and slowly fastened. Luke held onto me tight, making my nightgown go up a few inches.
He slightly pushed me back. "We should probably stop before someone finds us making out in the middle of the floor."
I laughed and got up as he did the same.
He looked at me and smiled softly. "Come here."
I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist as I snuggle into his chest.
"Hey, Sasha!" Violetta greeted me, who stood behind Luke.
"Hey, Vi." I smiled at her.
"We should probably head downstairs," Luke whispered into my ear.
I nodded and followed him downstairs.
"Sasha!" Clair squealed when she saw me.
"Good morning, Sasha," Mrs. Kendrick greeted me.
"Morning," I muttered shyly.
Mr. Kendrick, who was frying pancakes, turned around and smiled. "Hello, Sasha. It's good to see you again."
"You too." I grinned.

This day could not get any better.
Me and Luke sat down and waited for breakfast to be set in front of us.
As we ate, Mrs. Kendrick asked about my future plans.
"I don't have anything planned but my mom really wants me to use her writing skills so I can learn to write as well."
"That's nice. Has your mom ever written a book before?"
"No, but she's getting there."
"What is she writing about?"
"She hasn't told me yet."
Luke took me out for a walk again after we finished eating breakfast.

We didn't say much as we walked down the streets of Bar Harbor. We stopped at the front of my old house and sat down.
He stared at me intensively before leaning in and kissing me.
So that's what we did, we sat there all morning, making out. All of my troubles faded; no Chris or his gang, and no Robert punishing me abusively. Luke was here to protect me, and that's what I loved about him.

I gasped for air and my eyes suddenly flew open.
"Sasha, dear. Are you alright?" Paula's voice was the first sound to fill my ear.
I gandered around the room to find Luke but he was nowhere in sight. I was stuck in tubes jabbed into my arms on a bed.
Not the hospital again, I thought to myself.
"Where's Luke?" I asked.
"He's gone, honey. Are you alright?" Paula repeated.
"Where is he?" I asked again.
"He's back in LA, Sasha."
That's when I realized that I was dreaming. The whole thing was just a dream.
My eyes filled with tears as I stared into the boring hospital ceiling.
Luke wasn't here. The stupid dream had fooled me.
I covered my face with my hands, letting out a heavy sob.
Paula tried calming me down by caressing my scabbed arms. "It's okay, honey."
All I could do for the rest of the day was grieve. I couldn't seem to find my way out of this hell hole. It felt like I never would.

Paula did me a huge favor by heading out and bought me food from other restaurants instead of pressuring me to eat the gross hospital food.

I was a little shocked to see that Robert wasn't anywhere in my range of vision.
"Where's Robert?" I asked curiously when Paula got back.
"Oh, honey. I forgot to tell you," she began. "I broke up with him."
"Why?" I asked, a tiny smile cornering my lips.
"I found out what kind of person he really was."
"What kind of guy was he?" I asked like I had no idea.
"He drinks a lot. He never cleans up after himself and he doesn't even have a job. I don't want to marry a guy like that, let alone be your father."

"Sorry about that."

"I'm actually kind of glad I did. He doesn't seem like my type anyway. He's also a huge drug addict."
"And he's abusive," I muttered in a whisper.
I swallowed. "You should know something, Mom."
"Please, tell me. What do you mean he's abusive?"
"He wanted me to buy him beer one day, but Danielle needed me at work right away so I went to do that instead. Luke and I hung out for the rest of the day and when I got home... " I took a deep breath. "Rob yelled at me and then he punched me in the jaw and hit me with a baseball bat against my leg."
Paula gasped, her hand suddenly at her mouth. "Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry, honey."
"It's okay, he's gone now."
"No, it sure as hell is not okay. I can't believe he would do that to my only precious daughter. I'm so sorry, dear. I'm so sorry." She caressed me against her shoulders, tears slipping out of her eyes. She cradled me back and forth, gripping onto me tight.
"Mom," I mumbled.
"Yes, Sasha?" She didn't let go of me, but she loosened up a bit.
"Where are we going to live now?"
She unraveled her arms from around me and I slumped back against the pillow positioned behind me. "We're going to move back to Florida."
I smiled excitedly. "Do we have enough money for that?"
"Yes, I've been working a lot lately so we can afford to buy it again."
"Thanks, Mom."
She beamed and gave me another hug. "Always."
Even though I had no friends in Florida either, I've always loved the warm weather there. We lived so close to the ocean, and I would just sit outside and watch the sunset every night until midnight. It was always my favorite part of the day.

Me and Paula stayed at the hospital for the night. Maybe this was for the better. Maybe Luke and I weren't meant to be and maybe we were better off seperate.
I dozed off to sleep and waited for the morning sun to rise.


"Prepare for take off," the pilot spoke over the speaker of the plane.
Paula buckled her seatbelt and I did the same.

My arms were still covered with scars and so was my face, including larger scars on the top of my head. The cast on my leg was still there. I was supposed to wear it for another five months before it would be completely healed.
I stared out the plane window as it started to roar off. I smiled to myself. I had left everything behind; Robert, Chris and his gang and the empty space of our once old built house. There was only one thing I was going to miss about Bar Harbor; the memories me and Luke had made together. Our first kiss at that large lake was the one I would miss the most.

Even though we only knew each other for about a month, he had meant so much to me already.
I sighed and sat back, ready to enjoy the flight.

I truly felt like I was ready to move on.

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