Chapter 08 - Team Roger / The mark of a tear.

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A few days after Jade made her first photo shoot, Ryan and her made up, and the boy, even reluctantly, accepted that his girlfriend worked as a model photographer. Jade besides studying in the university, going to the classes of gymnastics and dance, also did its work of photographic essays earning its money. But she was still struggling to see if she could get a job as a photographer, but she still had not got it. Meanwhile, Marcos and Roger finished their dental school after four years. Ryan also finished his Advertising and Marketing faculty and worked for a large advertising company. Queen had begun recording the band's first album whenever they had a vacant time at Trident Studios, usually during the early hours of the morning.

Time passed and Josephine's and Roger's courtship grew more and more serious, however much the blonde did not really love her, but Roger wanted to be with her, so he would not suffer so much from the disappointment of not having Jade. As for Jade and Ryan's courtship, no matter how often they argued and argued, the love between them grew louder and louder.

March 1972.

On March 1st, on Wednesday, classes at college returned again and Jade was starting a new semester of studies and his brother Marcos began his Masters in Orthodontics at Goldsmiths and Roger began his Master's Degree in Buco-Maxillo-Facial at King 'S College, where Jade studies. But Roger's Masters were twice a week and on days when he was going to college he would hitchhike to Jade and the two of them would go to college together and back together. During January and February, Queen continued the recording of the first album and they would return to the recording only in July, during the holidays of the college of Roger, Brian and John.

As for Ryan, he learned that his younger cousin was summoned to the Vietnam War. The boy was devastated and cried a lot with the news received from the United States of America.Jade comforted her boyfriend.

"Until when all this, my love?" How many will have to die in the damn war? My cousins ​​are still there, surviving day by day, not knowing if tomorrow they will still be alive - Said Ryan receiving hugs and kisses from Jade.

- Calm down my love. Everything will work out, they'll be fine, they'll come back alive alive, Ryan. "Jade kissed Ryan's lips.

On March 10th, Friday, Queen made a great performance at one of King's College's auditoriums. Queen introduced herself to five hundred people in the auditorium. During the band's performance, Jade had realized just how sexy Roger was, playing drums without a shirt, only jeans and his red All Star sneakers. Beside him was Josephine, who smiled proudly at her boyfriend, and Jade felt jealous of the girl again and frowned.

After the band's performance, everyone went to the pub. They were present: Freddie with Mary, Brian with Chrissy, Veronica with John, Brian with Josephine, Clare, Roger's sister, Tim, Ryan and Jade,  Marcos, brother's Jade, as well as Jade's friends: Alicia, Jessica, Philip and James. Alicia is a medical student, Jessica is a student of Fine Arts, she paints pictures, Philip is a law student and James is a Physiotherapy student. Jade was hugging Ryan and they were kissing, but the young woman was watching Roger with Josephine hugging and kissing her. Jessica could tell that her friend was looking at Roger. A short time later, Jessica approached Jade when she was alone. They both drank their juices and ate French fries.

"Since I'm your real friend, I'll tell you what I think," Jessica said.

"What do you have to say, my friend?" Jade asked, looking at her.

"Do you really love Ryan?" Jessica asked quietly, only Jade listening and she looked confused at Jessica.

"What absurd question is that, Jessica?" Jade asked her friend without understanding at all.

"Just answer my friend, it's so simple," Jessica smiled. "You know I've always been and I'll always be Team Roger. He is the ideal boy for you, he loves you, not just as a friend, but, as a man, have you not yet realized that friend? He's only with Josephine not to be alone.

"Roger loves me as a friend and I love him as a friend," Jade said, looking at her friend taking her juice.

- It will be? So answer me the previous question: do you really love Ryan? Just answer, Jade, "Jessica asked again.

"Jess, you're already pissing me off with this story, of course I love Ryan, that's why I'm dating him," Jade said looking at her. "Why all this, Jess?"

"I really like Ryan, but he does not suit you, Jade," Jessica said, running her hand over her face. "Deep down in your heart, you might even love Ryan, but there's something going on in your heart, how much you bother whenever you see Roger kissing with Josephine, and that's totally normal, after all they're boyfriends, just like Ryan and you.

"I'm not bothered," Jade said, looking at her friend. "I just do not think Josephine does not fit Roger. It is. He deserved better, a girl who really had something to do with him.

- Exactly. And this girl should be you, Jade - Said Jessica - It would all depend on you, just about you friend. But, I tell you one thing: As much as Roger is in love with you, he will not wait for you all your life, he has to follow his life and you're right. Take care not to regret something you did not try or did not do. I'm still Team Roger.

At that moment Jessica turned away from Jade, for she had realized that Ryan was approaching and hugged Jade from behind. At that moment, Ryan kissed Jade's lips in a loving way.

"I love you very much, Princess," the boy said to the girl.

"I love you too, Ryan," Jade said with conviction, though Jessica's words did not leave her head.

Roger was hugging Josephine, watching Ryan and Jade, kissing each other, without the two noticing, and a tear fell on Roger's face.

PS: Has anyone ever been in this situation of being in love with their friend and keeping that feeling to themselves?

To be continued.

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