Chapter 09 - The Mysterious Woman / Marquee Club.

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December 1972.

The months passed quickly and throughout the year, Queen finished recording the first album at Trident Studios. Now they would have to do the photo shoot for the cover and back cover of the album and for the release of the first album. In addition, Roger was practicing as a dentist at Jade's father's dental clinic, along with Mr. Oscar and Marcos. And he was also dedicated to Master's studies. Roger continued to live in a rented apartment in the Richmond neighborhood with his younger sister, Clare, who is also a college student.

Meanwhile, Jade began writing her first book and went to college, gymnastics and dance and continued her work as a model photographer, and she got the freelance job as a photographer in the same modeling agency she works for. Sometimes they call Jade to take pictures. Jade is thinking of living alone next year, but she has not had the courage to leave her parents. Her brother Marcos is already living alone in a rented apartment in the same Kensington neighborhood near her parents' home and told Jade that if she wants she can share the apartment with him and Jade said she will think.

Throughout the year, everything was normal, until the big day came that Queen would perform at the Marquee Club for about five hundred people. Ryan worked hard on the issue of spreading the band's presentation on the spot and Queen sold the five hundred tickets.

Wednesday, December 20, 1972.

Finally the big night arrived for the band to perform. It was around eight-thirty in the evening, when the band began performing for the crowd of five hundred people. They sang and played cover songs, as well as their own songs: Keep Yourself Alive, Liar, The Night Comes Down and Doing All Right. The band was well applauded at the end.

- Thank you my dear ones - Smiled Freddie to the public - On behalf of the band we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year alongside the people you love.

Whoever took a picture of the band's performance was Jade, who was very excited. The boys decided to call her and asked Trident Studios to pay her a sum. Jade accepted it at once. As soon as the boys left the stage and went into the dressing room, Jade walked in with the girls and the boys to greet them. His brother Mark was present. Jade greeted them all cheerfully, showing the photos to them. Josephine was sitting on Roger's lap. Jade, so she approached the two, showing the photos. Josephine and Roger loved what they saw.

"My friend, the pictures are incredible." Roger smiled kissing Jade's face and she smiled at him.

"Thank you, my friend." The brunette smiled.

"Excellent work, Jade," said Josephine, smiling.

"Thank you Josephine," Jade said politely, but wanting to send the girl to hell.

Brian hugged Jade very happily.

"You'll be our official photographer in the future." You'll have to share your time with so many things, but the boys and I will want you on our tours. "Brian smiled.

"Whatever God wants, Bri, it will be my honor." She smiled.

"You sure will be our photographer," said John, smiling.

"Congratulations, my dear," smiled Freddie, embracing her. "It will be our photograph."

- Where's Ryan? Roger asked.

"He said he would go to the bathroom, but he has not come back yet," Jade said. "Jessica also went to the bathroom.

At that moment Jessica appeared and looked a little pale, but, made up and went to hug the boys smiling.

While everyone was in the dressing room, by the time the band's performance was over, Ryan would also go to the dressing room with everyone, but he saw a blonde woman in the blue eyes watching him and smiling at him mysteriously across the crowd. . Ryan can not help worrying about all that. Her heart stopped beating for a moment. The woman continued in the same place that was watching him. Then Ryan approached Jade and said he would go to the bathroom and then meet everyone in the dressing room. Jade nodded and walked toward the dressing room with the others.

After Ryan saw them all go towards the dressing room, he went to meet the blonde and pulled her by the arm, leading her toward the large bathroom corridor. She smiled wryly at him.

- What do you do here? Ryan asked irritably.

"You know very well what I want, money," said the resolute woman. "If you do not give me the amount I want, I'll open my mouth to everyone now and tell you who you really are."

"You're crazy, what's happened already has a good time," Ryan said, laughing and challenging her without fear.

"So dare Ryan not pay me what I want, and I'll go in that dressing room now and tell Jade who you really are," said the woman, smiling at him in a victorious way.

"You're not crazy to go after Jade and say nothing to her," Ryan said irritably, already pulling out his wallet, a check and signing for her.

"Very well, kitten," said the victorious smiling woman, kissing him on the cheek lovingly and looking at him.

"Get out of here, now," Ryan said to her seriously.

The woman saw the amount on the check and smiled again.

"The amount is excellent. Thank you very much. "She smiled at the woman holding the check and looking at Roger." He sent you a hug.

- Get out of here, now! - Said the boy irritated and frightened.

The woman left quickly waving at him sarcastically. Ryan looked away for fear someone might have seen him with this woman. He rubbed his cheek and sighed deeply. He pulled himself together and headed for the dressing room to talk to the boys.

But what Ryan did not realize happened. Someone observed everything that happened, between him the mysterious woman.

To be continued.

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