Chapter 15 - Friendship Undone?

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Throughout the week, while the band was in Melbourne, Australia, to attend the Sunbury Music Festival, Jade took photos of the band in rehearsals, backstage. And just as he'd promised, Roger had not talked to Jade all week, as she'd asked. Brian, Freddie and John did not understand what was happening. They even asked Roger, however, the blonde said that who should say something about what was happening is Jade, because he would say nothing, not to get more confusion. The boys then asked Jade and she simply said that she and Roger had gone.Even the girls wanted to know, but, Jade said nothing. At the right time you will tell everyone what is happening.

Saturday, February 02, 1974.

Queen would perform around one o'clock in the afternoon, but it was all a mess. Queen brought her own sound and lighting equipment, which they are already accustomed to using and the organizers of the event, accused the band of being disdainful of the sound and lighting equipment of the event. The band said that this is a lie, however, they are always with their equipment because, they are already accustomed. The other local bands of Rock and Roll that would appear, revolted against Queen. And when Queen took the stage to perform, one of the presenters said,

- See the British band that disdains the organization of the event.

Freddie, Brian, Roger and John, did not mind and went to their positions and began to introduce themselves. Shortly after, the audience that attended the presentation, began to play on the stage, towards the band, cans of beer, tomatoes and eggs.

Freddie was possessed with rage and the performance of the band that was supposed to be an hour and a half lasted only half an hour on stage. Jade took the pictures, only of the boys, without the mess that was on the stage of objects and food thrown toward them. Roger, who was already angry, spent all week without talking to Jade, playing the last song, destroyed his drum kit in a fit of fury.

- One day Queen will be the greatest Rock and Roll band of all time and you will beg for the band to come to Australia again - said Freddie already predicting the future of the band.

"Out of here ridiculous Britons," some people in the audience said in a rage.

Then Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John went to the little dressing room and their girlfriends were already waiting for him there.

"Our performance was a fiasco," Freddie said angrily. "These assholes will go wrong with everything they've done, because Queen will be the greatest rock and roll band in the world.

"That's right, my dear friend," Jade said, trying to calm her friend. "These people do not know what to do.

Roger watched Jade talking to Freddie, and the angry blond man lit a cigarette to relax.

"We were upset about the way we were treated," Brian said.

"We did not deserve it," John said thoughtfully.

"Send them to hell," Roger said simply smoking his cigarette.

"That's not how you should treat people, Roger," Jade said. "Will you treat your fans this way?"

"I asked you not to talk to me, because I'm doing my part, not talking to you, ungrateful," Roger said, pointing his finger at Jade.

"You're ridiculous, Roger," Jade told him.

- ARRIVE! Brian shouted. "Have you always been friends, and now you're fighting for a stupid reason?" Enough, we already had a stressful presentation. Tomorrow we'll all be back in London. No fights, please.

Roger and Jade look at each other sadly. And Jade sits on a chair in the dressing room and begins to see the photos she took in the short presentation. The girl decides to take some more pictures of the boys in the dressing room and decides to take one of Roger, who was looking the other way, but just as she took the picture, Roger turned and looked at her. Jade looked at him and he at her and they remained silent. Roger's picture was beautiful, but the blond man's face is one of sadness and he has a bit of an eyebrow, showing that he has slept badly in the last days and this is due to their fight.

 Roger's picture was beautiful, but the blond man's face is one of sadness and he has a bit of an eyebrow, showing that he has slept badly in the last days and this is due to their fight

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Roger looked at her hurtfully and sighed and left the upset dressing room.

John sat down next to Jade.

"I do not know what happened between Roger and you, so the two of you are arguing about bullshit," John said. "But make peace with the blonde, Roger is very ill. I spent the whole week sharing a room with him and the night, many times I woke up with Roger dreaming of you , because he called by his name and cried , saying for you to forgive him. Roger is in pain, Jade.Think fondly of the words I said.

Jade sighed and looked at the exit door and Roger was sitting on some steps, head down. 

Jade felt a great tightness in her chest and regret hit her heart. Is it now a broken friendship with Roger, or should he ask his forgiveness for the bullshit he's said? ☹ ❤

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