February 2, 1856 (Ruechari)

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February 2, 1856...

I came into the saloon

Loren was playing a soulful tune

Buck had flattened me to the floor

I looked at him and said,

"Was that really called for?"

"Sorry Lou, you alright?"

"If you get off of her she just might."

Brody helped me take a stand.

"You don't understand!"

Buck looked at Shamus.

"I thought he had a gun."

Shamus grinned at me.

"Sorry Lou, just havin' a bit o'fun."

I had this strange feeling seeing him there

I felt strangely elated,

All I could do was stare.

He had in his hand a piece of paper

He handed it to me

I took if from him,

It was a Divorce Decree.

"Seriously, is this..."

"I kept my promise."

I was too stunned for words

And then an explosion was heard.

The town bell went ringing

And people were springing

To gather up buckets

From the well spring.

The jail was blown to smithereens

No survivors it would seem

Until Billy showed up on the scene

AJ and Doc he was carrying.

People ran to help them both

I ran to Billy swearing an oath

I caught him as he dropped to his knees

"Please don't die, Billy. Please?"

"I can't. Remember?" he whispered to me.

But it obvious he took the brunt of the blow

I had to hide him away somehow

Or then everyone would know.

There no way someone like him

should have survived

A blast like that

They should have all died.

Buck stared at the fire,

he looked a little lost.


He wanted his brother to pay a price,

But at what cost?

I told Brody to take Billy to my place

I turned as I was suddenly face to face

With 3Gun wondering what went down

AJ coughed and sputtered,


Tex Mex...

Wanted to ...

take out ...


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