Voting Day (lyttlejoe)

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Voting Day!

Seventy-six percent came to vote today

One hundred and ten good folks want their say

Surrounded by rows and rows

of kids with runny nose(s)

BG held its first election day

Seventy-six percent formed a ragged line

One hundred and ten good folks prepared to vote

With over a hundred voices

Hoping they all agreed

On the ballots they had all hand wrote

On the walk outside the council house were men's spittoons

Thundering, thundering from every passing male

Posters and decorations for the candidates

Each vying for the public to regale

There were several mounted riders to police the square

Rearing up and prancing at every victory roar

Random speeches everywhere

From those to show they really care

Stirring passions hotter than before

Seventy-six percent made their preference known

One hundred and ten loud voices filled the air

To the rhythm of 'cast your vote'

All the kids began to shout

And election day became a civic fair

And the New Mayor is . . .

The crowd was hushed as the Pastor* appeared

"We have a winner!" The crowd all cheered

"The vote was close but there is no doubt

who'll be the mayor so give a shout

for . . . Marshall Lorne Order!"

A roar went up, drowning pouters

and Lorne stepped up addressing shouters

followed by the runner up, his new right hand

the popular new resident, Dixie Land

"The third candidate is Will Barter new Council Chair

he'll be on hand to keep things fair

when the meetings are under way

he'll see everyone has a say . . ."

Pastor Stein looked around

but Will Barter could not be found

Off to the saloon where the drinks were plenty

Muffins and cakes from Myna's bakery

Peso went crazy on the player piano

Loren was singing to Cactus Frank's banjo

and the dancing and the speeches had begun

NOTE: To be fair @lyttlejoe used a random number generator to generate 3 numbers... one for each candidate. Will 79, Dixie 43 and Lorne 28. Then he generated the winning number which he sent to me... the number that came closest to this number by subtraction or addition was the winner. That number was 33... Since Lorne was closet by 5... Lorne wins. 


Lorne - 5

Dixie - 10 

Will- 46

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