No More Double Trouble? (baileygaines)

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No More Double Trouble?

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No More Double Trouble?

Buck raced around trying to put out the fire,

But it the flames just burned higher.

A horse raced up and a girl slid down,

When she saw Buck, her face took on a frown.

"Bruce!" Was all that she said,

As she turned away with a shake of her head.

Buck ran after her and grabbed her hand.

"Annie! Don't leave - you don't understand!"

He explained about Bruce and being a twin,

Then he told her about the trouble they were in.

Annie listened to Buck then said with a sigh,

"I'm going to help you, Buck, but I don't know why."

She ran for more water and helped Buck until

The flames had died down and all was still.

Buck sent Annie to Doc's to help if she could,

For picking through rubble, she'd be no good.

Buck searched through the rubble, desperately hoping,

Then all of a sudden he saw a hand groping.

He worked and dug until the rubble was loose.

Then stopped in surprise as he saw Bruce.

Buck pulled him out from under the rocks,

He picked him up and carried him to the Doc's.

Would Bruce live? There was no way to tell,

Until he could be seen by Doc U. B. Well.

Meantime he'd talk to Annie, and see why she

Had left the railroad saloons to come to BG.

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