Uncle Bubba and Aunt Sue - (Myna)

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Uncle Bubba and Aunt Sue

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Uncle Bubba and Aunt Sue

The letter came,

as a bit of a surprise,

but Sue and Bubba

knew Lorne was a prize.

Myna's first marriage,

had been filled with tragedy.

They wanted to see her happy,

Lorne could be her remedy.

Lorne's reputation as a lawman,

was known far and wide;

and now he was going to make,

their only niece his bride.

Soon their bags were packed,

Jethro would look after the shop.

Nothing left to do...

So, on the train they did hop.

Excitement built in their hearts,

as they traveled down the line.

Yet, there was a twinge of sadness,

for Myna's parents they did pine.

Myna's mother had passed at her birth,

her father left to raise his only girl.

Then fate took him to heaven,

when Myna was but a schoolgirl.

Myna was like their daughter,

she had been with them for so long.

What joy this wedding would be,

they prayed nothing would go wrong.

"All off for Busted Gulch!"

The train stopped at the station.

Bubba and Sue Bigbee,

stepped off with great anticipation.

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