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Momma why do you stay

Momma why do you go

Momma will I be the same

After the change of life's game

Momma why was I born

Momma how did we form

Why are people so cruel

Is that a norm

Momma is this purple

Momma is this blue

Why do bruises change colors

Why those colors

Is it because they are cool

Cool colors that contradict the pain

Of each lash

Of each slash

That leave a shadow over your name

Momma what is love

Momma what is truth

Don't we lie when we love

Is that why Adam ate the fruit

Momma when I die where do I go

Heaven you say


What if I sin

Does that mean

Daddy will go to hell

For bringing the other woman

Momma I'm sorry I lied

I'm sorry I cried

I'll try to keep up

With the fight

So that one day

I won't have to ask why

For I see the tears in your eyes

That reflect the ones in mine

My Dark PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now