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I seem to be like a leaf

Floating in the wind

You try to grab me

Out of spite

Until I roam

Towards the sky

I'm suppose

To stay around

To be a reminder

So those I know

Will remember

My laugh

So those I know

Will cry for me

So those I know will

Yell for me

So those I know

Will fight for me

For sometimes

I feel weak

I am crushed

I show you

The girl

You want to see

Pearly white teeth

But eyes that

Show rain

Show fright

Show shadows

Where there was once


Hearing comments

That can cut like a knife

Drowning them out

Yes I try

But sometimes

It's not enough

I shall not see

I shall not hear

I shall not smell

Nor shall I taste

The venom you hold

On your toungue

Yet it's present

In the glimpses

Of me



Always falling

Though it seems


It seems really unrealistic

If you had ever

Seen me

But how would you

Know if you had

I'm easily forgotten

Believe me

My Dark PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now