PROLOGUE: The War that Humans Wage Upon Us Demons.

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Kihara Fuyumi POV

"Fuyumi, you need to intercept the humans at the east then give them a chance to retreat but if they do not show any sign of retreat then finish them off" brother told me in a very cold voice.

"Understood" I stood up and exited the meeting room, I headed towards my troops and shouted "All of us are heading to the east, let's go!" I rode my horse towards the exit while the others followed.


"It's either you retreat or we kill you, I'm giving you a reasonably option right now" I told the human army before me.

"Aren't you a women AND a kid?" one of the humans mocked "Don't tell me a women is leading YOUR demon army? HAHAHAHA! How pathe-"My troops snarled at them cutting the man's speech mid-sentence

"Do not mock Kihara Fuyumi-sama! Even though she is a women she is far more superior to all you weak humans" one of my generals spoke for me.

"That's Bull shit!" The human shouted "A women is only fit to stay home and be a wife, a demon army that is being commanded by a Female is ridiculous"

My generals was about to attack when I raised my hand signaling them to stop there advance.
"If you are looking down upon me because I am a women, then perhaps I should change your view of women. Let me prove you wrong." I plainly stated, my troops smirked at what I said since they know what's going to happen next "I'm going to kill you" I pointed at the men who spoke "All of you." I corrected "I am going to kill you but I will not have any kind of contact on you, nor will I move at this very place" They all laughed I grabbed my battle fan that was on my hip, opened it and waved it directly to the men who I spoke with no more than one minute they fall down motionless on the ground all of the humans laughed ceased and in return my troops laughed at them.

"You are foolish to think that women are only tools for pleasure or for marriage." I climbed down on my horse one of my generals helping me down while the other one spoke again continuing his speech.

"Women are far superior than us men, if men can kill so does women." I stepped forward grabbing my sword in one swift motion pointing it to the human men who were now looking frightened.

"I've thought this to my men, and I have thought them well, if a man can serve as a sword for their country so is a women and a women can be far more than a man, I told them never look down at a women because of a stupid gender." I felt power surge into me "Women are better than men a hundred folds." I ran towards the enemy killing them one after the other my troops following in my steps screams can be heard all over the place, I assisted some of my men and ordered them not to let any humans escape, they cheered and killed humans one after the other white all around me. Since I triggered my powers so does my troops, although there were really no need to use our power this is pretty much a piece of cake for us.

"GAAAAH!" I heard one of my men scream in agony along with a powerful blast all around.

"They're using cannons and guns I see..." I calmly said looking at the canons

"Vice-Commander what are we going to do?" One of my men asked with a worried expression on his face.

"I'll handle the canons as for the ones with the guns tell the generals and captains to take out the ones with the guns, they should be alright if they're the ones who are going to fight them" I commanded

"Understood" he answers I immediately ran towards the forest where the canons where blasting one by one I cut the enemy and destroyed their equipment.

"Please don't kill-" Before the man could even finish his sentence his head was cut off blood spewed from his head drenching my body with blood I didn't even bother to wipe my face, I mercilessly cut down humans one after the other my garments soaking in blood. When I heard the battlefield quieted down, I finished what I was doing and headed towards the scene, my men cheered in victory.

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