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Kihara Fuyumi POV

Since Chizuru wanted to come with the Shinsengumi I escorted her of course we were already in front of the Fushimi magistrate's office they aren't letting the Shinsengumi in saying that they received no such order, of course I don't care either way.

"If they haven't received notice of our orders, the lines of communication are likely disarray. We can assume, therefore, that this conflict has become rather chaotic." Saito leaned towards Chizuru and I informing us.
I looked at the soldiers in front of the gate, studying there features and observing their behavior, Saito's reasoning is a logical way to put it but, I presume that they did received orders there just ignoring it since they look down at the Shinsengumi there's no way an order as urgent as that wouldn't be received in time

"It wouldn't make a difference. Now get out of here. We have no use for Mibu's wolves!" My theory has been proven, they dislike the Shinsengumi and because of that they refuse there aid...humans are very foolish creatures indeed, the fact that they should be arm in arm helping each other to win a war and succeed in one goal and that is to aim for victory, and yet they are in each-other's throats and being picky on who will aid them. I shook my head disappointedly

"Forget about them. This isn't anything to get worked up about. We get this sorta crap all the time." Both of us turned to look at Harada, Chizuru wanted to protest but he shook his head "If we throw a fit here, then we might hurt Aizu's reputation. You get it?" he reasoned to Chizuru, Chizuru looked down having an upset expression on her face.

Saito went to Kondou and consoled him that we should go to the Aizu domain to meet up with them, he agrees nodding his head but his scowl never left his face, the Shinsengumi turned their heels to walk away, Chizuru and I following suit when one of the soldiers suddenly called out.

"Hey you with the red outfit!" I stop in my tracks and slowly turned to look at the man who called, Chizuru stopped as well "Aren't you the infamous Red Reaper of the Shinsengumi?" He asked

"Huh?" Chizuru looked at him confusedly, I don't want to waste my breathe on him so I gave him my death stare he flinch in fear while I turned around to leave Chizuru following besides me "Why did you think that soldier said that you were the Red Reaper of the Shinsengumi?" She curiously asked

"I don't know and I don't care" I told her my expression blank and unmoving

"But aren't you curious Fuyumi-chan?" She says pushing the subject further, I hummed in response tilting my head pretending to think

"Kihara has been labeled the Red Reaper of the Shinsengumi because of her actions in Ikedaya Inn" Saito turns to look at us

"What happened?" She asked

"She doesn't have to know Saito-san. Drop it" I sternly said glaring at him, he stares at me for a moment before he nods

"I want to know what happened!" She whined "I don't want to be the only one who doesn't know!" She reason.

"Chizuru, I'd like to play a game" I said changing the topic although I didn't look at her I was still walking ahead

"Huh?" She gave a questionable look

"What is white with four legs and has long ears?" I quickly asked

"Is this a riddle?" She asked but I didn't answer "Is it a rabbit?" She says

"What animal is color green and croaks at night?"

"Frog!" She quickly answers

"Who has purple hair and blue eyes within the Shinsengumi?" I said

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