CHAPTER 38: Marriage Ceremony and New Lands (2)

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-Zouchldonpea Castle (Drawing Room)-

"Well to start things off, because you are confuse as to who I am, I am your childhood friend Fuyumi" I furrowed my eyebrows

"I don't remember having another childhood friend besides Chizuru" I said

"..." Shiranui-san grunts looking displeased "you did" I was surprised at what he said "Kāsan told me that you had another childhood friend beside the Yukimura kid, when I visited the Kihara Manor for the first time [Refer to Chapter 18: Shiranui Kyo's Visit] if no one had the balls to confront you and save you they had the option to send you away here" he says "so he isn't really lying" he gave a curt nod

"I have no reason to lie, and Yukimura Chizuru I also know her, but we were never properly acquainted" he says "you see before the Yukimura Clan arrive we had to live Japan because our Kingdom can't be left un-attended for too long because we might be attacked" he says

"I thought this place is separate from the human place" I retort

"Yes, but I never said that this was the only space that exist" he says "there are many powerful demons as well that created a space such as this with the power they have, and wars in this spaces also occurs, the peace right now is because of diplomatic truce between dimensional spaces in this country" the tea arrives and the women named Alayna poured us tea "and the one's who manages the space are either the Kings and Queen demons of this country that also have spaces such as this, there power alone can sustain the barrier as well as keep this place standing" Shiranui-san looked more relaxed after drinking a little tea

"How do you know Okāsama?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me

"Your mother is a very clever and tactful women" he compliments "she has a lot of connections not just this kingdom, apparently around the world, she has been studying spacial dimension magic, and she met my father in doing her research, my father loved her very much, but unfortunately events happened to her...." He looked away "her homeland and she fled, my father was depressed and well...he past time with his ten mistresses" Shiranui-san's eyes widen while I felt uncomfortable at what he said "he had fifteen children all in all and I was the eight who was the only one who the throne accepted" he says

"What do you mean the throne accepted?" I tilled my head quizzically

"You see, having a spacial dimensional Kingdom isn't really that simple, the throne is the device and we are the energy source that supplies the kingdom the device is the one that chooses the supplier as to not have any weak ones that cannot handle the strain of not having enough magic powers" he explains "the device is inside of the throne and I have no means to dis-assemble it since I also do not have the knowledge to fix it once it is dis-assembled but a book explained that ancient technology has been pass down to my ancestors to built the device that can warp space and mix powerful magic inside it to built a Kingdom, the book never explained as to who the technology belonged to as well as why" he shrugs "now every children sat on the throne and I was chosen, naturally since the throne chose me, the whole Kingdom had no choice but to deemed me as the next King"

"What about your other brothers or sisters?" I asked

"They...were not needed in this Kingdom" he says "they weren't killed but they had there minds erased as well as the princesses that gave birth to them, they were sent away as to not have conflict for the throne" he sips his tea "now back to the main story" he says "since my father had loved your mother and was depressed and this kingdom needed an heir, he was obligated to produce one" he breathes out "my father was happy when he received a sudden letter from your mother, mind you he still wants your mother as well as make her his queen but things turned in for the worst for him when that letter contained words that he did not want to see" I ate a piece of cake while he continues "she was married to your father already, and he was invited for peace talks and such, he was much more heart-broken, but he did not want to turn the offer down to visit her and he very much likes to see her again, but he didn't take it very well, he was also much, much colder than before I was born, or when I born, my father didn't even see my mother when I was born, he just sent a maid to congratulate her..." there was a bitter tone in his voice as well as sadness "that's when we met Fuyumi" he brightens up but his smile faded away when he looked at Shiranui-san beside me "but it seems as though my father's fate clung onto me because of what I did"

"What you did?" Shiranui-san was the one who raised a brow now

"Because of his depressed state the kingdom wasn't in order, he did not work and he was beginning to be weak, which the throne refused to have, a weak King means that the Kingdom will fall because there is no power to sustain it, so I had no choice but to take the throne"

"You..." I said unnerved "you didn't kill him did you?" he sighed but said nothing

"So..." Shiranui-san spoke swirling the tea inside the tea cup "what do you intend to do, after telling all those crap?"

"Shiranui-san!" I scolded while he just looked at the King

"I wish to re-kindle my friendship with Fuyumi, nothing more" he says, while he closes his eyes but Shiranui-san narrowed his suspicion in his eyes "I know you are very cautious towards men, since your wife is very beautiful and clever" he compliments "but I assure you my intentions are clean Mr...."

"Shiranui" I added

"Mr. Shiranui" he says "I am not for one to steal a married women already. I am many things but, I am no thief" he shakes his hands a smile curved on his lips "Fuyumi is already, happy, satisfied and comfortable being with you, that fact already makes me happy, but even so I still want to be a part of her life again, I want to bring a new of our friend-ship" Shiranui-san looks at me with a worried expression on his face

"It's fine" I reassured him "I'm fine with reconnecting with you once again" I answered him

"Are you sure?" Shiranui-san questioned

"I can handle myself if he does anything weird. I am pretty powerful you know?" I said to him, Shiranui-san stared at me for a few minutes before smiling

"Alright. I trust you" he pulls me close to him and kisses me on the head

"I'm sorry Mr. Shiranui but I never caught your full name" the King says

"Shiranui Kyo" he shortly answered

"Then I am pleased to make your acquaintance Mr. Shiranui" he offered his hand which he also shook as a way of respect "and please, drop the formalities around, you are now my esteemed and important guest, just call me Elijah"

"Y-Your majesty" Alayna wanted to protest but he just gave her a dismissal which she caught on quick and nodded curtly

"Stay as long as you want" I shake my head

"Actually my husband and I are in a journey to find a quiet place to settle down" I told him "and a thought cross my mind..."

"Brilliant!" I wasn't even finish before he spoke "then come live here in Romania" he says, I looked at Shiranui-san who furrowed his eyebrows

"It's a nice offer but, what's the catch?" he asks

"Nothing" he says

"What do you want to do Fuyumi?" he asks me

"Well this place and country is nice...and there's Elijah-san that want to reconnect with me so why not?" I said to him

"Alright" he nods "but we aren't going to live in this Castle of course" Elijah nodded "do you know a land somewhere around here that has lots of trees next to it is a river or a lake or even an ocean?" he asks

"Now that you mention it..."
Elijah gave us instructions that there was land that we are free to use to built a house, not far from the Castle a little northeast from here, he also said that if he can help us in any other way then he is most happy to help, but the words were pointed to me rather than Shiranui-san...I never really sense and malice coming from him, so I reassured Shiranui-san that he isn't dangerous or threatening at all. We settled in and placed our home in just the right place our home was also concealed because of Nēsama's contraption. Everything was peaceful.

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