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Kihara Fuyumi POV

Chizuru and I woke up early since were in Kitchen duty today, we were already inside the Kitchen I was helping her cut the meat and vegetable while she was stirring the pot taste testing it.

"Fuyumi-chan?" I hummed in response "What does it feel like to kill someone?" I stopped chopping the vegetables at her sudden question

"That's a very disturbing question" I said turning my head to look at her

"I-I'm sorry..." She apologizes

"No. it's natural that you're curious since you are among killers" I said in a matter of fact continuing to cut the vegetables "The feeling of killing someone" I said looking at the ceiling finding the words to say to Chizuru "Is very..." I said pausing "Unpleasant" I finally said.

"Then why do you always smile when you're fighting?" She asked, I don't really want to satiate her curiosity since I want to preserve her innocence but I also don't want her to be ignorant as well.

"You are very innocent" I remarked laughing "I smile since I enjoy the thrill of battle, the adrenaline of showing your strength" I said handing her the vegetables and meat she takes it while she looks at me expectantly

"But when it's time to finish things, the filling of thrill is replaced by something else..." I said pausing having a sullen look on my face she puts the meat on the pot then placed the chopping board at the side.

"What is it?"

"Guilt" She then looks down her expression unreadable "The burden of someone's death in your hands is very heavy, we forever carry the burden of the one's we killed on our shoulders" I said to her looking down as well "Apart from that one of our emotions gets chipped away..." I said turning around to start on the side dishes "and that is mercy since the relatives of the people we killed will hate us, be angry with us and curse us for all eternity" I stopped my movements for a bit "That's why we don't really want you to fight Chizuru, you are still very innocent of the world" I turn around chopstick at my hand "And that kind of innocence is the one thing that fills the void in our hearts" I smile at her

"How come?" she tilts her head
having a questioning look on her face

"You don't comprehend certain things, and you accept us with open arms, no anger, no hatred only love and acceptance" I placed a hand on her head ruffling it "So you don't have to worry about us and just smile for us, That's the only thing you can do for us, you're being the most helpful one than anyone else here" I said having an encouraging tone of voice "Right Saito-san? Harada-san?" I said turning to look at the door

"..." I heard sighs outside

"Eh?!" Chizuru looks surprised and shocked at the same time

"Come on out now if you don't want your asses to be whip with a mere chopstick" I threatened

"You scare and amaze me at the same time Fuyumi-chan, it's like your psychic or something..." Harada says scratching his neck having a troubled look

"Saito-san and Harada-san if you don't want to be on my list of guys who are creeps and should die a virgin list, then you better stop eavesdropping this instant" I said pointing my chopsticks at them

"We really didn't want to interrupt your conversation so we waited for you two to finish" I pointed my chopstick at Saito

"And that's called eavesdropping isn't it?" I said raising an eyebrow "But seeing as though you're already here" I grabbed one of the food trays and handed it to the two men "Bring this to your men, Chizuru and I will bring our food to the dining hall" I commanded turning around finishing the side dishes

"But" Before Harada spoke I turned around and shoved a vegetable in his mouth

"No! Buts!" I said furrowing my eyebrows "That goes for you as well Saito-san" I said looking at him

"O-Okay..." He says both of them did what I told them to do and exited the Kitchen.

"You're really amazing to make them do what you want Fuyumi-chan" she says her eyes sparkling in fascination "You sometimes make Hijikata-san do what you want as well!"

"Really? When?" I said having a questioning look on my face

"When you told him that the baths were leaking and it should be fix immediately, or scolded him for his clothes being very dirty that he should've dumped his laundry earlier so the dirt wouldn't have been mix with the other clothes! Or!" I waved my hands stopping her already

"That was just things that I pointed out to him" I said a little embarrassed she shakes her head

"You were really cool confronting Hijikata-san like that! It's like the female version of him confronting him and you can even go toe to toe with him" She says her eyes sparkling

"Well that's..." I said trailing off
Chizuru kept praising and praising me until we were finished cooking and we were in the dining hall already placing the Captains foods, she kept telling me how cool I was and how awesome I was at certain events that took place

"C-Chizuru..." I said with a sigh "calm down already" I said having an awkward look on my face "I-I'm not cool or awesome...I'm just pretty much ordinary...or something" I said blushing already embarrassed I felt her hands snake around my waist embracing me

"You're so cute Fuyumi-chan!" she says rubbing her cheeks on mine I felt my cheeks become hotter she was giggling her embrace tightening
"You're so cute embarrassed Fuyumi-chan that I just want to hug you and take care of you!" she announces

"I want to join in!" Okita says running towards us, I was about to escape from Chizuru's grip when Hijikata smacked his head on time "Y-Your so mean Hijikata-san!" He says rubbing his head

"..." Chizuru and I looked at the men who was just silently looking at us

"U-Um..." Chizuru looked around finding the words to say to them

"D-Dinners ready..." I told them with an awkward expression on our faces Chizuru lets go of me and both of us silently sat down on our seats.

"Did we interrupt something?" Harada asks sitting on his usual spot

"N-No..." I said feeling my cheeks hot
Chizuru and I felt embarrassed, she always does that when I felt embarrassed and I also do that when she's embarrassed.

"You're so cute Chizuru-chan! Chuuu!"

"You're so cute Fuyumi-chan!"

All of their eyes were looking at us, damn I want the ground to just open up and eat us right now, I ate as normally as possible but the awkward air was just so suffocating, thank the gods that Hijikata opened up a conversation driving the awkward atmosphere away.

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