"let those we love be perfectly themselves good or bad"

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"The beginning of love, is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, good or bad, and not twist them with our own image, to make them the way you want them to be - otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything... They just make the most out of everything that comes their way. If you fall in love with someone that is totally different then you, then let it be. God sent them to you for a reason, you may find it out, or you may never know. The point it, don't change someone the way you want them to be, just to love them."

I stand there thinking about what I just said, the words that just left my mouth were the truth. As I look around the classroom, I see mix feelings about the words.
Some take them to heart, other let it go through one ear and out the other.

I didn't care really, I was only doing to pass the class. We had to give a speech about our feelings about love. It was easy for me, not because Im in love, I never have been, but because wisdom comes easy to me. People around school call me the 'wise owl'. I don't listen to them, I really don't give a flying shit about them, or what they have to say.

I walk back to my desk, sitting while the next person goes up to give there opinion.

My name is Kelli Hall, I'm 18 and this is my last year of school. Well my last day of school, it's not summer yet, not close, but I did two years of summer school and I'm getting out of this hell hole as fast as I can.

As the bell rings I walk down the hall to my locker, giving and taking dirty looks from everyone that walks past. I shake my head in disgust, at the boys that are checking out my body as I walk by. Their eye going from my boobs, to my flat tummy, to my ass. It not like I asked for this body. I didn't hate it, I'm proud, but people need to have a little more respect.

I know that I might sound like a bitch, but I'm really not, well not all the time. I am a nice, loving, caring girl, just not when it comes to school. But I have managed to make one friend over all of my years here.

She makes her way up to me, as if on Que. Her name was Kate James. She had beautiful red hair, but she's not a real redhead, she colored it but I looks amazing. She had amazing green eyes, tanned skin. She was about 5'6 and she is on the cheer team. She as been my very best friend, though everything.

"Hey girl, happy about you last day here?" Kate asks pulling her bag from her locker, putting in on her shoulder as we walk out of the school, over to my Charger. Yep, it's amazing.

"Yes, I can't believe I'm out!" I shout jumping up and down. I can't be happier. My blonde hair flying in the wind. I stop getting in my Charger, as did Kate. We don't live that far away from each other so I drove her.

"Well, don't forget about me." she says giving me the puppy dog look. I laugh shaking my head.

"Man, that was my master plan, was to get away from you." I joke back at her.

"Well sorry bitch, I'm here to stay." We laugh has we drive down the road.

"So have you talked to Sam lately?" Kate asked looking at the sky, before turning the radio station. Sam was my cousin, but I call him my bother. We have been very close ever since her parents died and we took him in. He was my best friend, well besides Kate.

"No, he had to go out of town for his job again." I tell her, switching the station again. Sam always had to go out of town for his job, but I don't know what it is that he does, he won't ever tell me. As I turn the station I stop on the new, just to catch up in what is happening. A man speaks up, beginning the new.

'The leader of the North Side gang, Jason McCann, is at it again, bombing yet another work building. The reasons for this bombing and all of the past 10 this year have not yet been found out, will the police put a stop the McCann's run of destruction, or will he forever run free?'

I turn off the radio after hearing this, that Jason guy sounds like a nut. I look over at Kate to see a worried expression on her face.

"That guy is a monster." that is all she can say. I agree, but you would almost have to act like one, because that is how the whole world sees you.

"Yea, but we have all had our better days." I say pulling over at her house. She gets out and I continue. "Bye, talk to you later."

She waves, yelling bye back at me. I drive off, about to pull into my road, when I get a thought, I'll go visit Sam. I haven't seen him in forever and I really want to.

I turn into his drive way, I notice that his car and someone else's is there. Maybe its a friend or a new girlfriend. I don't know but I'm about to find out. I walk into the house, letting myself in like I always do.

"Sam?" I call out, just before walking into the living room. I stop right in my foot steps. Im looking at the last thing that I would never see, and it might be the last that I ever see. I freeze in my spot, not daring to make a noise, but it is to late. They know I'm here because I called out Sam's name.

I never thought this would happen. The last thing I ever expected, is happening right in front of me.


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