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We made it to the place that we were going to get the money and Chris has not shut up the whole way, and it was an hour ride!

"Ok, we are here, so that means to have to be quite, got it?" Jason says to Chris before he gets out of the car.

"Well I guess the sex wasn't good last night if he is this cranky" Chris laughs. Ok that's it! i turn around in my seat, looking Chris dead in the eyes.

"Ok look, I don't know what your problem is, but you better stop. Why do you have to mess everything up, huh, why do you always have to make me mad and ruin everything for me? If I were you, i would tread lightly around Jason and me, Jason wants to kill you because of what you did to me in the past, so shut the fuck up and leave us alone" I say, not breaking eye contact of one minute. While he takes in everything i said, I get out of the car and walk to the house. I cock my gun and stand my Jason.

"What was going on?" Jason asks looking from me then back to the car were Chris still sat.

"Nothing, lets go" I say kicking in the door. Jason and I pick off everyone there is and Jason goes to find the money. All of a sudden I was pushed up against the wall, my hands pinned above me. I look to see that it is Chris.

"What the hell are you d-" before I could finish, he smashed his lips onto mine. I try to break away but he was to strong. He let go of my hands with one hand, but still had them pinned with the other.

He moved his hand up and down my body. I brought my knee up and kneed him in the balls making him let go of me. I catch my breath and go to throw a punch, but it was blocked my him. He put is hands around my neck and began to tighten his grip. I was gasping for air, then to make it worst, he started to punch me in the stomach with his other hand. I was about to black out when I heard a gun shot and warm liquid hit my face.

I drop to the ground, the same time Chris's now dead body did. I gasped for air, and after a minute, I was able to catch my breath. Jason ran over to me, picking me up.

"Kelli are you ok?" he asks wiping the blood off my face. I nod slowly, all the pain is now starting. It feels like I just got ran over by a truck.

"Come on let's go" Jason says picking me up like a bride and carrying me to the car. He lightly puts me in the car and buckles me up. He rans around to the driver side and throws the bag f money he had in the back seat. He peals out of the driveway and speeds off.

He didn't talk to me the whole way home. What did i do? I was the one that just got beat and chocked and Im the one that gets the silent treatment?! What the hell!!?

Once we got home, Jason parked and turned off the car. He grabs the bag out of the back and walks off to the house. Really what is his problem? I walk into the house to see everyone looking at me, wait why me? I look at Grace to see a mix of anger, sorrow, and disappointment on her face. I look around the room and my eyes stop on a girl that I had never seen before.

I see her next to Jason, hugging him. Ok, before I go crazy, it could be a sister or cousin. Just then she kiss him right on the lips, for a minute! Ok, not a sister or cousin.

"Umm whats going on?" I ask as calm as I can. The girl looks at up me with a weird look the rolls her eyes at me.

"What am I not able to see my boyfriend?" She snaps at me. What!!?

"Boyfriend?!" i ask taking a step closer to them.

"Amber, I'm not your boyfriend ok we broke up forever ago, just leave me alone!" Jason yells at the girl, while he unwrapped her arms from his body.

"That's not what you said last week when you were screwing my brains out!" She says smirking. Please don't let's this be true.

"Jason?" i ask looking over at him with tears forming in my eyes. He looks over at me and then to the ground.

"Jason, is it true?" i ask wiping a tear. He doesn't say anything, just looks at him feet. And that was my answer, he cheated on me. I look at him then everyone around me and I turn and walk upstair.

Once I make it to our, well now Jason's room, i lock the door and let the heads fall. I wipe them away but new ones replace them. I have never been hurt so bad in my life. Not with Sam, not with my parents, nothing.

"Kelli open the door!" Jason yells from the other side of the door. I shake my head in response, I know he can't see me, but I can't get any words to form.

"Kelli, now open the door, or i'll break it down!" he shouts again. I get up and move away from the door, because i know he will break the door. So i get up and grab a bag and start putting all of my things in it. Im not leaving the gang, but I'm leaving Jason and sleeping in another room. The next thing I know I feel two strong arms wrap around me. I turn to see Jason with tears in his eyes.

"Let go of me, leave me alone!" I shout trying to get out of his grab, which was no use because he is so strong.

"No listen Kelli, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to, I was drunk and high and she was rubbing all over me. I gave into her because I had no control of my mind" Jason says. I look into his eyes to see he his telling the truth, but what he did still hurt.

"You promised me you wouldn't hurt me" I manage to say with tears still falling down my face. He pushes me up against the wall, his hands pinning me to the wall. I look up to into his eyes and see that they are black. This isn't good.

"I didn't mean to hurt you! I would never mean to, I was an accident!" he shouts in my face, scarring me. He pushes harder on me, causing the pain from earlier to be ten times worst.

"Jason, please stop your hurting me!" I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Jason put her down and step away!" I hear someone shout from behind us. I look to see Mark standing there with a scared Grace behind him. I look back at Jason who still has his eyes on me.

Finally he lets go, but no before he pushes me into the wall one last hard time. He walks away, past Mark and Grace. Grace runs over to me and hugs me. She helps me gather all my stuff and takes me to her room.

"Aren't you sharing this with Mark" I ask looking at Grace.

"No, he has his own room, so what did he do to you?" she asks while we put away all of my stuff.

"He just hugged me, and when I told him to let me go, he pushes my up against the wall" i say folding my clothes.

"I'm so sorry for what he did, he is a dick, you are the sweetest thing ever, you'll find someone better" She says pulling me into a hug. But the truth is, i don't want someone better, i only want Jason.

"Thanks, umm can i take a shower?" I ask pulling out of the hug. She nods and points to the bathroom. I grab my night clothes and walk in. I turn the shower on and discard all of my clothes. I look at body in the mirror. Its all bruised and beaten, the hand marks on my wrist, neck and shoulders are already coming in. I look down at me ribs that are purple, my stomach is purple as well and hurts like hell. But everything does, but mostly my heart.

I shake it off and step in the shower. I start thinking that if Jason really didn't love me and didn't care for me, then he is nothing to cry and worry about. I need to get over him if he was banging another girl because he never loved me.

After an hour in the shower, I stepped out, dried off and when into Grace's room, she was asleep so I quietly climbed into bed next to her and laid down. I tried closing my eyes, but I could only thing of Jason, then I remembered that I'm not going to let him get to me. I have to be strong.


Hope you liked it, a lot of drama in this one!

Thanks to @maegangallegos22 for the idea and everyone needs to check her story out!!



Thanks for reading


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