"This means war!"

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That can't be good, nothing in this life if good.

Everyone stops what they are doing and turn to Boss, taking in every word he says. I try to think about what that means, I know its not good.

"What type of emergency?" Joe ask, sitting up straighter on the couch. Everyone else copies his actions.

"The Tigers and East side" once Boss says this, everyone in the room jumps off of there seats and all go in different directions. Jason runs to the basement, Joe into the kitchen, Mark into the garage, and Grace up the steps.

I look at Boss with a worried look on my face, and he quickly notices.

"The tigers are the biggest gang in the west coast, and the east is our biggest rivals" Boss explains, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"So whats going on?" I ask, still confused. Boss takes a deep breath in, opens his mouth, but then shuts it. Before he could continue, the rest of the gang came into the room.

"Ok, we have all the alarms and traps set, the guns and knifes are out where we an get to them easy, everyone has theirs on them, and the money and drugs are locked up and the safe house is ready to go, just in case" Jason say while walking into the room. Everyone nods and takes a seat on either the chairs or the couch, but they still seem uneasy.

"Can someone please tell me whats going on?" I say standing up, looking around to everyone in the room.

"The tigers are deadly, they will kill anyone just to get what they want, and the past between us and them have not been good at all" Marks says looking over at Jason, who just shrugs his shoulders.

"Anyway, they have always been trying to get us back, and now they partners up with East side" Boss says, finishing what Mark was saying.

"So what happened, why are they after us, and why did they partner up with East Side?" I says, still confused on the whole subject.

"Well, the tigers are coming after us, because Jason slept with both of the leader's sister" Grace says, wow that's nice to know. I mean I know that Jason says slept with girls, but still.

"Yea, and then the leader's mom" Joe says laughing. This causes Jason to chuckle as well. The mom!! really? I look over at Jason I'm disbelief, but that was his past, but will he overcome it?
No, this is not the time for that Kelli!!

"Anyway, they partnered up with East Side because they want to get us to" Boss say, making me turn my head over to him.

"Why" this time is Grace that asks this.

"Because of Sam and Kelli" My head snaps over to Jason, as the words come out if his mouth.

"Why what did we do, he was the one that shot Sam," I say standing up, facing Jason. He copies my actions.

"Well Sam blew his head off, and you did the same with the other member, so they want to kill you since they already killed Sam!" He yells in my face. Three types of emotions come over me.

1. Anger, how could he say that, and to my face!

2. Sadness, iv tried my hardest to forget about what happened to Sam, and only focus on the good.

3. Hurt, I don't know why, but everything he just said, I took to heart. I thought as a boyfriend he was going to protect me from getting hurt, not hurt me himself.

It took everything I had to stop from punching him in the face. Instead I push the tears back and turn back to the gang.

"So, what can we do to stop them" I ask, not letting my voice crack when I say it.

"There's only one this we can do" Boss says standing up, causing all of us to do the same.

"We kill them" He continues.

This makes everyone in the room smile, well what do you expect, we are a room full of killers.

Just then we heard someone from outside shout.

"Aye North Side, this is for you!" the person shouts, then guns shots fire. We all drop to the ground, but I was pulled down, by Jason. He was laying on top of my, almost to protect me from the bullets. We hear someone scream and we look over to see Joe laying on the ground, holding his neck with blood gushing out of it.

"Yea, you see that Kelli, he going to die and rot in hell just like Sam" another voice from outside yells through the house. I stand up and grab my gun, along with another and a knife. I turn to see the others doing the same.

"Are you ready Kelli?" Mark ask, loading his gun.

"Hell yea" I say cocking my gun. I look around at them, before turn back to the door.

"This means war!" I shout before opening the door, going into the war zone that waits for us outside.

'This is for you Sam' I say to myself in my head.

Yay!! next chapter is a fighting one! lol duh!

Whats should happen

What do you thing Kelli will say to Jason?



Thanks for reading


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