"You fight like a girl!"

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I wake up the next day to a banging on my door. I look over at my alarm clock, since they took my phone, afraid that I will call the cops. Whatever.

I get up at answer the door, to see Mark standing there.

"Get ready, be down in the basement in 5" he says, before walking away. Wow someone is not a morning person. I do as I am told, because if I don't, i will be punished.

I throw on some yoga pants and a sports bra, before putting my hair up in a messy bun. I throw on some tennis shoes and then walking down the what I guess is the basement.

I walk down the steps, which lands in a hallway. There are five rooms, and before I can snoop around, the door at the right end of the hall opens.

"So, are you going to get in here or what?!" mark yells down the hall to me. I make my way down to him, walking into the room.

It is so much bigger then i thought. In the middle of the floor is a big mat. There is a boxing ring in the left corner and punching bags and weights in the right.

I join Mark on the mat. We was teaching me the right way to punch and kick. What to do if you get held down, or how to do a perfect choke hold.

We have been fighting for about a hour now, and lets just say, he was not going easy. You would think, it being my first time and all, that he would go soft on me, but nope, he was punching and kicking me. I stand up and dust my pants off.

"Come on, your never going to pass the test if you can't take a punch" Mark say, putting up his hands, getting ready to punch. I copy is actions.

"Well, maybe if you went easy on me, then it wouldn't be that bad" I say throwing a punch, but Mark dodges it. He throws one at me and I'm shock that I don't get hit.

"Come on, you fight like a girl, get mad" he says, he then kicks and it lands straight on my stomach. I bend over trying to catch my breath. Oh I'm getting mad, thrust me.

"Come on, think of Sam, and what happened, think of an ex boyfriend" Marks says, taking another shot. I start thinking of Sam, how he was to young to be taken way from me.

I can feel the anger running through my veins. I fell my eyes darken. I stand up straight and throw a punch, right at Marks face. And hits right on his jaw. He stumbles back a bit, but smiles and throws one back. I step aside, letting his arm go flying in the air.

I run and jump on him, knocking him down to the ground. I sit up, so I'm straddling him. I start betting him in his face, blooding his nose and splitting his lip.

I keep going until her flips us over so he is on top of me. He gets a few shots in, but I quickly kick his off, so it sends him flying off of me onto the mat. I stand up, getting ready for another round. Before we could start, I turn around to see a tall, very built, strong arms. He had two sleeves tattoos. He stops clapping and steps into the room. When he does, I notice Jason leaning up against the door frame.

"So, this is little miss Kelli I heard about" The big man, walks up to me. The closer he gets, the smaller I feel. But I stood my ground, not letting him know I'm scared.

"I'm Dave, but everyone calls me Boss, I'm the leader" He says.

"I thought Jason was the leader" i say, glancing over at Jason, then back at 'Boss'

"Well, I'm the leader over him, and I'm the one that will be deciding if you live or die." He gives out a small cold laugh.

"What do you think so far?" I ask, scared that I'm not doing well enough.

"Well, looking at him' he say looking past me, over at Mark, who is wiping his bloody face. "I think you are doing just fine"

I let a small smile, but then go back to a straight face.

"Ok, this session is over, now it is time to go with Jason to the shooting range." He looks over at his shoulder at Jason then back at me.

"Well, get going" Boss says, then leaves the room. I look back at Mark, who as an ice pack on his face.

"Sorry about the nose, and the eye, oh and the lips." I say to Mark.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" he laughs. I turn and walk over to Jason. He looks my body up and down then smirks to himself, then he walks down the hall.

He is such a pig. But I follow the boss's orders and walk with Jason. He enters a room at the far left end of the hallway. We walk into the room, and I see him going over the the wall, full of guns. He picks up a small handgun and gives it to me.

"So, have you ever shot a gun before?" Jason asks, going over to the little range.

"Yea, grew up my whole life shooting them" I say walking up next to him.

"Ok so, I want you to hit him in the gut" Jason say, pointing to the paper target hanging in the middle of the range. Easy. I lift my gun, aiming right at it and pull the trigger. It hits right in the gut. I smile to myself proud of what I just did.

"Good, now one in the left leg, right arm, then right in the heart" he says, trying to make it harder for me. But I easily shoot all three places before lowering my gun, with a smile on my face.

"Ok, now lets make this a little harder," He walks over to the wall, pushing a button. All of a sudden, four dummies pop up and move around the range, moving closer to me. I look over at Jason, and he nobs is head, telling me to go head.

I left my gun up, aiming at one dummy all the way on the right. I shoot and hit it right in the chest, causing this red goo come out of it. Im guessing it is blood. I shoot the one right beside me in the head. The last two both in the head as well.

I lay my gun down and turn around to Jason. He smirks and comes closer to me.

"So, how was that?" I ask, leaning up against the table. I look at him waiting for his response, but I'm taken aback when I feel his lips against mine.

I'm shocked at first, but the way he makes me feel is amazing. I'v never felt this way about anything before. He pulls back, but quickly starts kissing down my neck, going to my chest.

"J-jason, what are you d-doing?" I ask him, in shock.

"Nothing baby girl" he says pulling back. "now why don't we go get something to eat, huh?" he ask before leaving the room. I stand there in shock, trying to think about what just happened.

It felt so right and so wrong at the same time. I shouldn't have enjoyed a kiss from a cold hard killer. But, he lit something inside me, that I haven't felt before in a long time.

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