All The Way

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"Where were we?" Jason asks as he climbs on top of me. I wrap my les around his waist and he leans down as kiss me.

"So, can we?" Jason ask, he doesn't need to finish because I know what he wants. I stop kissing him and looking into his eyes.

"Jason, I don't k-" I say but I'm cut off my Jason.

"No, don't worry, I should have known" he says unwrapping my legs and sits next to me. I look over at him, only to see a disappointed look on his face. I hate seeing him like this, but I trust him, do I really though?

I got up so my knees were on the bed and walked over to Jason, I climbed up on him, straddling him. He looks at me with a shocked face, i lean down and kiss is hard, yet caring.

"Kelli, you don't h-" I stop him before he can go on.

"No Jason, I trust you and this is the only way to show you" I say. I move my hands down to my shirt and pull it off. Jason's eyes go from my face to my chest, he licks his lips then lifts his hands up to my chest. He stops and looks at me, waiting for my answer, I nod and he snakes his arms around my back and unsnaps my bra.

He throws the bra across the room and he pulls me closer to him. He puts my right breast in his mouth and massages my left with his hand, I let out a small moan. After a minute he flips us over so he on top. He kiss down my chest, to my stomach and stops at my pants. He unbuttons my pants and slips them off.

Finally he take off my underwear. I pull of his shirt and unbuttons his pants, sliding then down with my feet. He smiles and takes off his boxers, tossing them across the room with all of the other clothes.

"You ready?" he asks looking into my eyes. I take a breath and let it out while nodding my head. He leans over to the nightstand and takes out of condom, slipping it on.

"Are you sure?" he asks while kissing me.

"I trust you, just don't ever hurt me" I say.

"I would never do that" he says. I nod and he kisses me once more then slowly slips into me. Pain takes over my body, as a tear falls from my eyes.

"Do you want me to stop?" he ask slowing down. I shake me head no, not wanting him to.

"No, it's just been a while, ill get used to it" i say kissing him on the lips. He wipes the tear away and pushes into me again. This happens over and over again, him going in and out if me, each time better then the last.

Both of our moans and grunts feel the air, sweat dripping off of or foreheads, white knuckles from griping onto the sheets, scratches down the back. It wasn't slow, it wasn't fast, no broken headboard, just perfection.

"Oh god, Kelli, I'm, shit, I'm close" Jason manages to say.

"Me too" I say. Just then we both let go at the same time. His hot, sweaty body falls on top of me as our chest rises up and down.

"That was amazing" Jason says still catching his breath. I smile and put my head on his chest.

"Thank you for trusting me" Jason says pulling the blanket over top of us.

"Thank you for not hurting me" I say cuddling deeper into his chest.

"I love you so much Kelli" Jason say, lifting my head, my eyes meeting his.

"I love you to" I smile, I lean up and kiss him on the lips. My eyes fall heavy and I let sleep take over my body.


I wake up in the morning to the sun shining through the curtains, hitting my eyes. I pull the blanket over my head, only to have it pulled off of my whole body.

"Oh what the hell!" i open my eyes to see Jason fully dressed looking down at me. He laughs and sits down on the bed next to me.

"Babe you have to get up and get a shower, we have a job today" he says brushing my hair down with his hand. I groan and cover my eyes with my hand.

"No, you can do it" i say rolling onto my stomach, not caring that I'm totally naked. Jason stands up and leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Up now, ill see you downstairs" Jason says standing up, he turned to walk out of the room, but runs over to me and slaps my ass.

"JASON!" I yell standing up. He laughs and runs out of the room. Well there's no getting back to sleep, so i get up and walks over to the bathroom getting a shower.

During my shower, the only thing that I could think of was last night. I smile at the thought of Jason. I really love him, and everything about him. I knew that he is a killer and a drug deal, yet so am I, but when he is with me, he is caring and loving.

After about 15 minutes of thinking, I turned off the shower and wrap the towel around me. I step into the bedroom and get dressed. When my hair is dried and makeup is applied, I grab my gun and walk out of the room and down stairs.

Everyone was either watching tv or eating in the dining room. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass. I pour some water in it and turn around to see Grace starring at me.

"What?" I asks taking a sip of my water. She grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs to her room.

"Ok what happened?" she asks sitting on the bed. I look at her with a weird look.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I hope she isn't talking about me and Jason last night because she heard us.

"Why was Jason being a dick yesterday?" she finally asks. Thank god.

"Oh he got a letter for someone saying they liked me and if Jason didn't give them what he wanted then the would take me. But Justin found out that is was just a small gang of kids, so I took the newbies and went over there and took care of them" I explain to her as I lay down on the bed. She nods taking in everything I just said.

"So what did he say when you got back, because he was running around the house like a mad man" she says with a light chuckle. How can I say this without bringing up sex.

"Umm he took it ok, we talked about it for a bit, then we went to sleep" that's all I say.

"Ok, I was just wondering, well you better go you have a job to do" she says standing up from the bed, pulling me with her. I groan and follow her out of the room. We both walk down the steps and into the living room.

"Ready?" Jason asks as I walk over to the couch. I smile and nod. He stands up and walks over to the door, me following behind.

"Wait for me!" someone yells from behind us. We turn to see Chris walking up to us.

"Why are you coming?" Jason asks standing in front of me, blocking Chris view of me.

"Boss told me to tag along, watch two of the best members at work" Chris says with a smirk. Jason was about to speck up, but i stop him.

"Ok, but mess anything up, i'll shoot you and blame the other guys" I say before turning around, walking out of the house. Jason and Chris follow, getting into the car and pulling away. I can't believe that he has to tag along. Boss probably didn't even tell him to, he just wants to mess with us. Whatever, but I'm not joking when i said that I would kill him.


Sorry it's short and sorry if it sucks because that was my first sex part lol (now your turn @fan_girlin_life ;) )

1K reads!! thanks so much to everyone :)



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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