Plan Planer?

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"Don't worry i'll says something to him" I smiles and kiss him again. Justin smiles and pulls me on top of him, i laugh and he leans back, so he is laying on the bed and I'm straddling him.

He pulls me down, and he kisses my neck, my jaw, then to my lips. His hands start moving down my body, to the rim of my shirt and he starts to pull it up.

"Wait Jason, not yet, I'm sorry" i say sitting up. I get off him and sit next to him on the bed. He sits up and rubs the back of his neck.

"No I'm sorry, I know your not ready yet, I mean we just started dating" He says with a small laugh at the end. I smile and lean over, kissing him on the lips.

"I'm going to go talk to Jason" I say getting up. Justin lightly grabs my wrist, pulling me closer to him.

"If you need anything, yell for me and i'll be right there" he says before pecking my head. I smile and walk out the door.

I make my way down the stairs and over to Jason's new office. I knock on the door and the voice from the other side told me to come in. I walk in expecting to see half naked girls all over the place, but it is just Jason working on some paperwork.

"Aw Kelli, are you crawling back already?" He asks with a smirk, I roll my eyes and take a seat in front of his desk.

"Umm no, far from it. I came to tell you that what you did to Justin wasn't fair, and he is better then a gun cleaner, or a dog watcher" I say calmly while looking at Jason. He gives an quite laugh then leans forward on his desk.

"Well you see Kelli, everything in this life isn't fair, we don't always get what we want, and he is just going to have to live with that" he smirks, god how I want to punch him right in the face.

"Why?" I ask him. He looks at me with an confused look then answers.

"Why what? Why is everyone in the world unfair?" he asks, trying to figure out what I'm talking about. I shake my head and sit back in my chair.

"No, why are you so mean to Justin, this whole week you have been an ass to him and he didn't even do anything to you" i say. I really don't get why he is doing this to Justin.

"Because he took the one thing I love and cared about" His voice is quite, almost like it was hard to speak, afraid that your voice night crack.

"And whats that?" I ask but I already know the answer. He looks up at me with his light carmel eyes that I love so much.

"You" His voice finally cracking, tears forming in his eyes, I'm trying not to feel sorry for him. I think of all the pain he causes me, but I still love him.

"No, he didn't take me away, you pushed me away by your cheating and lying. You did all the damage, not anyone else" i say standing up. How date he blame Justin for all the pain he caused.

"I did those things because I didn't know how to deal with it, and react to it" Jason says, standing up as well.

"What? Deal with what, what didn't you know how to react to?" I question him, taking a step closer to him. Anger fills my body more and more as the seconds tick on.

"Having someone really love me" he finally says. I soften and look at him, seeing that his words are the truth.

"All my life I never had anyone there for me, no one to love me. The only girls in my life were sluts that never loved me. Im scared Kelli, Im scare that you are going to be just like the rest and leave me, so I freaked out and cheated because I was scared" he says finally breaking down. Against my better judgement, I went around the desk and held him.

"Jason, you could have told me. I wasn't going to leave you because I loved you, I love you" I say lifting his face to mine. His big water filled brown eyes stare back at me.

"You love me? After everything I did to you, you still love me?" He asks in disbelief. I nod and look down.

"I tried telling myself I didn't love you because of how bad you hurt me, but I can't believe it because my heart knows the truth" Yes that was super corny, but it was true.

"I love you to Kelli, and I will change I swear I will, no more cheating or lying or any of that. I w-" i cut him off my covering his mouth with my hand.

"Jason, I'm with Justin now, and even if I wasn't, I couldn't trust you. You broke my trust, and I don't know if you can get it back" I say looking into his eyes. He sighs and looks at the ground, new tears falling down his face. I wipe them off and lift his face to mine again.

"But that doesn't mean i don't still love or care for you. But you hurt me and I don't know if you can fix it" He sighs and nods, knowing what he did was wrong. He stands up and pulls me up as well.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asks taking a seat in his chair, leaving me still standing. I shake my head and rub my hands together.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I really like Justin and I don't want to ruin anything i have with him" I walk around his desk, sitting in the seat I was sitting in before.

"How about a lie detecter test" He says lifting his head up. What is he serious?

"What, you have to be joking" I say with a small laugh. He keeps a straight face and shakes his head.

"I'm serious, i'll take the test and prove to you that I will change" he looks right at me. I know he is telling the truth, but should I go for it? I mean what is the worst that can happen?

"Ok, but you have to do one thing first" I say pointing my finger at him. He nods and asks me what it is.

"You have to give Justin a better job, like give him is tech job back, or mission leader, or plan planer, something!" I say all at once.

"A plan planer?" Jason laughs. I laugh at myself too, sometimes my English sucks, well more like all the time.

"Yes a plan planer, anything better then a dog watcher" He nods and agrees. Great, now thats settled.

"Ok, so I get to do the test to prove to you that I'm serous about you" he stands up and walks over to me. He leans down and hugs me. I hug back, missing the feeling. He kisses the top of my head and then my forehead. I look up at him then smile, he smiles back and pulls me up.

"Ok so anymore questions?" he asks. I shake my head no and walk to the door. He returns to his chair and to his work. I was at the doorway when I turned back to him.

"Thanks Jason, for everything" I say smiling before waking out. I walk up the stairs to Justin's room to tell him the good news.


I Want to thank everyone for voting and commenting! You guys make me feel so loved and its helps me forget about all of the shit i have been through in the last few days!!

I love you all, thanks so much!



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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