"..theres no going back.."

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* 1 week later*

It's been a week since the gun battle went down in the front yard, and nothing has changed. Which you think losing a member of your own gang would take a toll on you, but very one seem fine, well on the outside.

After losing Joe, Boss has been sending us out on more jobs, to get our minds off of things. On the bright side, Jason and I have been spending a lot of time together, but still act like friends, but Grace is catching on. She is always asking about why Jason pushed me up against the wall in the battle and what did he say.

Right now we all are in the meeting room, talking about our next job, I haven't been listening because Boss always sends me on the 'safe' jobs, which are dropping of packages, or get our money back from someone. the meeting was almost over when Boss says something that makes me look up.

"Starting tomorrow, we are going to look for a replacement for Joe, we can't go on with our small numbers, and even with Joe is was hard" he says leaning back in his chair, running his hair through is gray/black hair. We all look at each other with wide eyes.

"We can't replace Joe, there is no one like him" Mark says with hurt in his voice, part of it being that he just lost is brother and is still getting over it.

"Not replacing, just getting new members" Boss says standing up. We all sigh, no one an replace Joe and his stupid jokes.

"It still won't be the same" Grace says with her head in her hands. Boss sighs then stands up out f his chair and walks around the table over to the door.

"Ok everyone, to your jobs" We all stand up. Grace and I make our way upstairs and grab everything we need, which is just a book bag with drugs in it. Grace is my partner on this job instead of Jason.

"So, whats going on with you and Jason?" Grace says with a smile on her face. I groaned and opened the car door and got in.

"I told you nothing happened, and nothing is happening" I say backing out of the drive way. Jason and I are still not telling anyone about us yet.

"Fine, i won't tell you about Mark and I" she says turning her head looking out the window.

"What, you and Mark!!" i say almost screaming. She turned to me and shrugs her shoulders. God Jason is going to kill me, but Grace won't tell anyone so its ok.

"You promise you won't tell anyone, and I mean anyone!" I say almost shouting the first part. she smiles and nods her heads 100 miles per hour.

"Ok, well we are dating an-" I say before getting cut off my Graces screams. She hops up and down in her seat.

"Ok so have you guys done it yet?" she says after she calms down. I almost chock on my breath.

"No we haven't" I say laughing. its true, we haven't and I'm not ready yet, we have only been dating for maybe a month, and we are taking it slow.

Before she could ask anything else, we pull into the house where we are dropping the bag off at. I pull in front of the house and get out. Grace grabs the bag and we walk to the door. I knock three times then step back, waiting for the answer. After a couple minutes of banging on the door and shouting, no one answered.

"I don't think anyone is home, lets go" Grace says. I nod and we turn to the car and walk to it, just then we hear a loud scream. Grace and I both pull out our guns and point them to the house.

"HELP!" This time, it was a different person that screams. Grace and I look at each other then make our way into the house.

We bust into the house and follow the screams. We run upstairs to find three men around a girl and a boy tied to a chair. The men turn and point their guns at us. One man shoots, but thankfully misses, Grace shots him in the head, as I take out the other two.

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