"Show time"

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I woke up in Jason's arms, my head and hands on his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist. The only noise in the room was his light snoring, I let let out a small laugh at the sound. I guess I most have woken him because he moves under me, I look up to see his eyes open.

"Morning cupcake" he says still half asleep. I laugh and kiss is chest.

"Morning" I says sitting up in bed, stretching my arms. I get up and start to walk to the bathroom. I hear a whistle behind me, I turn to see Jason starring at me, he winks and I just flip him off.

After I take a shower, i poke my head out of the bathroom, looking around the room to make sure no one was there. Once the coast was clear, i step out in only a towel. I drop it and start to change, I look again just make sure no one is there. Im very insecure about my body and don't want anyone seeing me naked, even Jason.

After I change I walk down to the kitchen to see Grace cooking and the boys sitting at the bar eating. I see that Will and Lily are there as well.

"Hey guys" I say taking a seat next to will.

"Hey" the all reply, Grace puts a pancake and some bacon on a plate and hand it to me. I thank her and dig in.

"So, when do you guys start training?" I ask Will while taking a bit of my bacon.

"Today" he says with no emotion in his face. I feel bad for them, after everything they have been through, and that I put them in the spot to either pass the test or be killed. I stop eating after that, because guilt takes over.

"I'm sorry" I whisper to them then get up and walk out of the room. I was on my way to my room when Grace called after me.

"Kelli, Boss wanted to see you" I nod and my way to Boss's office and knock.

"Come in" he says from the other side of the door. I open it and walk in, taking a seat.

"Ah Kelli, just the person I wanted to see" Boss says smiling.

"Really why?" I ask, confused of why he wanted to see me.

"Because I have a job for you, a big job, something that needs to be done and you are they only one that can do it" he says folding his hands together. I scrunch my eyebrows. Why me, why am I the only one that can do the job.

"Ok, go on" I say crossing my arms across my chest. He smirks and continues.

"Well, there is this man that owes just some money and I have a plan the will for sure work" he says sitting back in his chair.

"So I need you to go to the club he owns, get him alone and take him to a room, seduce him, then when he lease expects it, kill him, the boys will take care if the rest" I take in everything he says, and look at him like he is crazy.

"Why me, why can't Grace or Lily do it?" i ask trying to get out of this. He shakes his head and leans on his desk.

"Grace can't because he knows what she looks like, Lily can't because she isn't in the gang" I sigh in defeat.

"So, I'm going to do this alone?" I ask.

"Well yes and no, you will kill the man yourself, but the boys will take care of the body and the money" he says. I nod, so that means I have to do all the dirty work.

"When do I start?" He looks through the papers on his desk then back up to me.

"Tonight at 9:30 you will leave to go to the club, now that is all, tell the boys to come in, i have to tell them of the plan" I nod, standing up and walking to the door.

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