This is my new life now.

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I walked down to the Bosses office and stand outside the door. I take a deep breath in, then knock.

"Come in" I heard Boss say from the other side of the door. I walk in to see him doing paper work at is desk. He stops and looks up at me. He puts his pen down and smiles.

"Well, look who it is, take a seat Miss Kelli" he says pointing to the chair that was in front of his desk.

"So, as you know, you went through that test today, and do you know the outcome if you did't pass that test?" Boss asks looking at me, while leaning back in his chair. I gulp and nod my head. Yes I know that happens.


"So, after looking over both parts of the test, fighting and shooting, and looking at your scores from the judges, it turns out that you are one of the best fighters we have ever had" Boss says with a slight chuckle, wow 'the best fighters we have had'?

"Well, besides Mr.McCann" Boss continues. Somehow I'm not surprised that Jason is a good fighter. I mean with his big, strong arms, his tattoos, his- wait no Kelli this is not the time.

"So, we have finally came to our decision" And just as he says that, two men walk in, both holding guns in there hands. My eyes widen in fear. But I thought I was the best fighter. I turn back to Boss to see him laughing at me.

"Congrats, you passed" He says before going back to his paperwork.

"I I passed?" I ask one more time, just to make sure I heard him right. He looks up and nods his head.

"Thank you, that's all" He says, returning to his work. Im so happy right now, not that I'm in a gang, but because I'm not going to die, we not today.

"Thank you" I say before running out of the room. I make it to the living room, where the rest of the gang is watching tv and drinking. They all turn to me, waiting for me to tell them what happened.

"Did you pass?" Grace asks with hopeful eyes. I smile and nod my head. She jumps off the couch and tackles me in a hug.

"Good, I'm so happy for you, it so nice not to be the only girl anymore" Grace says with a laugh. I laugh back at her, and follow her over to the couch. Everyone tells me 'good job' and 'congrats', expect Jason.

He is just looking straight ahead, taking sips of his beer. In a way, I want to thank him, because he gave me the angry I needed to pass. But after is dick move this morning, I won't let him know that.

"Well guy, I think I'm going to go to bed, its been a long day, so ill see you all in the morning" I say getting up from the couch. They all say goodnight, expect for Jason, which I really don't care what he has to say.

I make my way upstairs and into my room. I hop in the shower, washing the day away. I think to myself, I can't believe I'm in a gang now. How would have thought that a girl like me, with straight A+'s would be in a gang.

I also can't help to think that some of this is Sam's fault, no it's not, he is only doing this to protect me, well that what I tell myself any way. I hear a knock at my door so I hurry up and turn off my shower.

"One second!" I tell at whoever is behind the door. I hurry up and grab a towel and wrap it around my wet body. I exit the bathroom and make my way over to the door. I open it to see Jason leaning up against the doorway.

"Hey" he say, before looking down at my almost naked body. I roll my eyes at his pig like ways.

"Hey" I says back. Im starting to feel really uncomfortable with him looking at me like that.

"So, I just wanted to say congrats on the test today, i heard that you were the second best fighter they have ever had" he says looking at me with a smirk.

"What can I say" I smirk back at him. He just laughs a little then goes back to a straight face.

"Well, ill see you tomorrow" He says before giving me a wink, then walking away. I roll my eyes and shut the door.

I walk over to my dresser to get some sweat pants and an old tee shirt to we're for bed. As soon as I pull my shirt over my head, there is another knock at the door. God, does everyone want to talk to me tonight or what?

I go over to the door and open it, seeing Grace standing on the other side, hold a pack of beer, and a bottle of wine. I laugh at her and her silly grin.

"Can I come in?" she asks. I laugh, I'm starting to really like this girl.

"As long as I get half of each" I say laughing. I don't know if I'm Slap Happy or just over tired, but I'm laughing a lot, and it 2 in the morning.

"Umm, deal" she laughs walking in my room. She take a seat on my bed and opened a can of beer, handing it me.

"Thanks, so whats the real reason you came up here?" I ask, taking a sip of the beer. Im only 18 but I really don't care, I'm in a gang.

"The boys where being dicks, well mostly Jason" Grace takes a drink of her beer, then lays back on my bed.

"What did he do?" I says just wondering. There is something about him that makes me hate him and love him at the same time.

"He was just talking about going to a strip club and smoking and drinking" she sighs throwing her can in the trash, but she opens another.

"Ugg, I don't get boys, there are just jerks" she laughs at me.

"Tell me about it" she says laughing. She finishes off the rest of her can and throws it in the trash. All I can say, is we can down some liquor!

"Well, I'm going to bed, there is a gang meeting in the meeting room tomorrow at 10 so be ready" she says standing up from the bed.

"But, I'm going to take this" she says taking the rest of the beer with her. Leaving me with the bottle of wine. Score!!

"Ok, we're is the meeting room?" Im still new here so I don't know where half the shit around here is.

"Just meet me in my room before ten and I will show you, goodnight" she stumbles out of the room, closing the door behind her. I laugh, half asleep, half drunk. I got up an put the bottle of whine in my closet, saving it for another day.

I lay in my bed, thinking of what I did today. I beat the shit out of not one but two guys, two sizes bigger then me, i shot at least 100 dummy targets. I was expected into a gang and in the morning I have my first gang meeting.

No matter how much I hate it, I promised Sam that I would never give up. To Stay Strong. Even if that meant sells drug, robbing banks, and even killing people, i have to do it, because I promised Sam I would. And to be honest, I don't think i could leave the gang if I wanted to, because 'i know to much'.

But i have to face it, this is my new life now.

Hey guys!! hoped you like it, Please give me ideas! i won't get mad, please I need them!!



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