Girls Day Out

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Its been a week since I found out Jason cheated on me and I'm getting better and stronger everyday. Everyday we pass in the hall, he either tried to say he's sorry, or he has a different girl on arm. Seeing the different girls hurts but it just proves that he never loved me. I haven't cried over him, i don't stay up all night thinking about it. I'v moved on, or thats what i tell myself.

"Hey you're up" Grace says smiling. She was walking out of the bathroom, fully dressed.

"Yea, whats going on?" I says sitting up on the bed. I rub the sleep out of one I, keeping the other on Grace.

"We are going on a girls day out!" she shouts while going over to her makeup stand.

"Umm ok, who's us?" I ask standing up walking over to my dresser, grabbing some clothes out.

"Emily, Bre and I" she says applying eye shadow. I nodded and when into the bathroom to get dressed.

After I was done, I straightened my hair and put on makeup to cover up my neck bruises, they are still there but are slowly going away. It was a yellow and brown, and my ribs and stomach were still blue and black because they took the worst of the beating. Once it was covered I walked out of the bathroom to see the bedroom empty. I grab my bag and put my gun in it and walk out of the room, down stairs.

I walked down into the living room to see Justin and Mark playing Xbox. I walked into the kitchen where all the girls were.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Emily asks hugging me. She lets go only to have Bre take her place.

"I'm ok, I'm not letting him get to me" I tell them and myself. We talk for a couple of minutes until I hear my name being called.

"Kelli, Boss wants to see you in his office" Justin says poking his head in the door way of the I kitchen. I nod and turn to the girls.

"When your done we will leave ok, good luck" Grace says hugging me. The others girls do the same and I turn and walk out of the kitchen and walk to Boss's office.

I walk in to see Jason and Boss talking. They both look up at me, but my eyes only look at Boss. I sit down in the only open seat, which was by Jason. Each step I took, Jason's eyes never left me.

"You wanted to see me" i say once I'm in the chair. Boss leans back in his chair and looks at Jason, then me.

"Tell me what went on yesterday when you went on the job?" Boss asks looking at Jason.

"We went there, got the money, took care of everyone in our way, just like any other job" Jason says with a shrug. Boss nods then looks over at me.

"I recall that when you left there was three of you, when you came back there was two" Oh shit. "So tell me what happened to Chris, Kelli?"

"Well, Jason and I took out everyone in the way, but we missed one, and while Jason was getting the money, the guy killed Chris, then he came and beat me up. Before he did anything else, Jason took him out" I say. I technically didn't lie. I did get beat up, Jason and I did kill everyone there, and Chris did die.

"Ok, well unfortunately Chris was a good member, and Kelli you said that you were beat, can I look at the bruises?" Boss ask. I slowly nod and stand up. I lift up my shirt to show all the bruises on my ribs and stomach. Boss nods and leans forward.

"Ok, now your shoulders" Boss says looking at Jason, I take a quick glance at Jason. He looks down at him lap, picking at his finger nails. I pull down the shoulders of my shirt and show that hand prints on both shoulders. Boss looks over at Jason and shakes his head, then tells me to sit back down.

"Ok thank you Kelli, you can leave now" Boss says to me, I nod and walk out of the room. I walk into the living room to see everyone looking at me.

"What?" i ask. They all turn back to what they were doing. I walk over to the girl, who were watching tv.

"You ready?" i ask them, they nod and we all walk out of the door. We get into my car and we drive to the mall.

"OK, so what happened in the office?" Grace asks looking at me. I sigh not wanting to think about it anymore.

"Well, he just asked what happened to Chris an-" I was cut off my Emily in the back.

"Yea what happened to him, I was going to ask about him last night, but umm, you know" Emily say. I nod, the events from last night replay in my mind. I push them aside and get back on topic.

"Umm anyway, Chris was taking out by a guy from the other gang, and then the guy came over and beat me, then Jason took out the guy and we got the money and left" I say parking in a parking shot at the mall. We all get out of our car and walked in the mall.

"So are you and Jason aren't getting back together for a while then?" Bre asks, i shake my head no. I want to be with Jason, but he didn't want to be with me.

"Then do you mind if I have him?" Bre asks a minute later. We all stop in our tracks and look at her.

"What, I was just asking, he seems really good in bed" She says bitting her lip. I roll my eyes and walk into a shoe store.

"Is he?" Grace asks.

"Is he what?" I ask picking up a pair of red platforms.

"His he good in bed" she ask leaning on the display. I blush thinking of that night. I nod and walk off. I hear the girls giggle and lightly scream behind him. I laugh because i know that they are thinking about being in bed with him.

I walked over to the sandals and picked out two different pairs. The girls came up to me and kept asking about Jason and I. I blocked them out and paid for the three shoes.

We all walk out and the girls finally stopped talking about Jason because i wasn't giving them any details.

After a couple of hours of shopping, the girls and i decided to go home. Each of us had at least ten different bags, so the trunk of my car was full. We made it home and took all of our bags up to our rooms. Grace and I put all of our new clothes and shoes away. We were taking about some purple pumps she got when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, just to let you know we are going to the club tonight, if you want to come" Mark says poking his head in the door we nod and thank him.

"So do you want to go?" Grace ask picking out a new dress she got. I think about it for a minute, why not, it could be fun.

"Sure, it sounds fun" I say smiling. I pick out a black mini dress that fits close to my body, It shows all of my curves. I set aside my new red platforms. Since the dress is strapless, I didn't put on a bra. I slip on a thong and put the dress on. I curled my hair and put on makeup. I slipped my shoes and grabbed my clutch. I put on some red lips stick on and my other makeup.

"Ohhh girl you look fine!!" Grace says circling around me.

"Thanks you look might good as well" i laugh. She had on a blue maxi dress with black high heels.

"Come one lets go!" she says pulling me out of the room. Well here goes nothing!


Hope you like it!

Please please please tell what you want to see! Please give me ideas!!



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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