"An amazing date"

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A/n, the last chapter didn't save everything I wrote, so there is something missing that I really wanted to be in there. I didn't realize it until just now. Sorry if you didn't understand why it cut off and I didn't have a greeting at the end, that is why.


I wake up the next morning to movement under me. I look and see Jason trying to get out of bed. He has a big bump on his head, but other then that he looks perfect.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he says sitting up, pulling me with him.

"No it's ok, how are you feeling?" I say lightly running my hand across his forehead. He hisses in pain which causes me to leave it alone.

"Better, just have a headache, but ill be fine" he says rubbing his head. I look at him and then lean over to my night stand and grab painkillers.

"Here, I get headaches all the time, so these will help" I say giving him some. He takes a drink then gets out of bed.

"Thanks, now I'm going to go get a shower and we will go out on the date we have been putting off" he laughs while he gets out some clothes. yeah the date I forgot about that.

"Ok" I say. He walks into the bathroom and I jump out of bed running over to my dresser, turning on my hair curler. I quickly put some light makeup on and curl my hair.

I look through my closet trying to find something to wear. I finally found a nice light pink summer dress, I put on some flats and I'm ready to go. Just then Jason walked out of the bathroom with just a towel on, I felt my cheeks turn red. He laughs and winks at me and kisses my lips.

"You like what you see?" Jason says while he wraps his arms around my waist. I blush and look down. He laughs and pulls my chin up so I'm looking at him.

"You know you want me" he say in my ear, the way he says it almost sounds like he is singing. I blush as the tingles run through my body. I look up at him and smile. I turn and walk out the door.

"Yea walk away, you'll come clawing back!" Jason yells jokingly. I roll my eyes and walk downstairs to wait for Jason.


Jason and I made our way into a small cafe a couple miles away from the house. We sit down at a small table made for two. When we sit down the waiter came to the table to take our orders.

"Hi I'm Tyler, ill be your waiter today, what can I get you?" Tyler asks taking out his pad and pen. We look at the menu then turn to him.

"Ill take a coffee, and a burger with fries" Jason says while handing the menu to Tyler. He nods while writing down Jason's order. He turns to me, is pen ready.

"Ill take some hot chocolate, and some chicken tenders with fries" I say. Tyler nods and takes my menu and walks away.

"So, what happened after I passed out last night?" Jason asks taking my hands and playing with the ring on my middle finger.

"Well, I tried calling your phone, but you didn't answer, so after a while I got a all from Mark telling us to hurry down there. Once we made it down there, I saw you laying on the ground, i tried shaking you but you didn't wake up" I stop because tears come to my eyes and also Tyler comes with our orders. We thank him and he walks off.

"Anyway, I go to find Grace and once I find her we take out everyone in our way. Once we made it upstairs, Lily got shot and then Will tried to kill me but Mark toke him out before he could, so we made our way into the office and found the leader, the guy that did that to you" I say pointing to the bump on his head.

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