Piercings and Tattoos

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I woke up the next morning and looked around at my new beautiful room. I smiled and got out of bed. I walked over to my bathroom and got into the turned on the water to heat it up.

I striped of my PJs and put them into the hamper, I looked at my naked body in the mirror, all the bruises are finally gone! I looked at my arms, I have always wanted tattoos, I love them. Everyone else in the gang has tattoos, so ill have to get some. Maybe some other things done to my body to, you never know.

I step into the shower and let the water hit my body. I wash my hair and body in my favorite smell. I stand there and just think about the last couple of weeks and how they have been hell.

I turned off the water and stepped out. I wrapped my towel around me and walked into the room. I dried off and put some light blue high wasted shorts on, a black crop top that said 'Get Away' on it. I put my hair in a side braid and some black high tops. I put some red lip stick on and grabbed my phone.

I walked out of my room and bumped into Justin. I smiled and so did he. He was dressed in a red v-neck and some black skinny jeans, he had the same shoes as I did.

"Hey, you look nice, where are you going?" Justin says looking down at my body. I blush and look down.

"Thanks and you look nice to" I say. He laughed and popped his imaginary collar. I laugh and walk down the hall.

"So you didn't answer my question, where are going?" He follows me down the hallway, and down the stairs.

"I don't know, maybe the mall, tattoo place, something like that." I say walking into the kitchen, I grab a bottle of water and an apple.

"Tattoo?" Justin asks with his eyebrows arched up. i laugh and nod.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I take a bite of my apple.

"No no, i just wondering, so would you mind if I came?" He asks looking at me. I nod my head, it would be fun having him come with me.

"Ok let me get my phone and wallet" he says running off.

"Hey get mine too!" I yell after him. He yells ok back and i walk to Boss's office. I knock on the door then walk in.

"Hey Kelli, how can i help you?" He asks looking over at me.

"Umm, I was wondering when I get my pay, because I'm going out today and would like some money" i say with my hands behind my back. Boss nods and get up and walks over to the safe that was in the room. He puts in the code and takes out a stack of money.

"Are you going with anyone?" Boss asks still looking at the safe.

"Yes, Justin" I say. He grabs another stack and walks over to me.

"Here, both yours and Justin's" he says handing them to me. I thank him and walk out. I walk into the living room to see Justin standing by the door that leads to the garage.

"Hey, I grabbed your purse and gun too" Justin says handing them to me. I thank him and hand him is pay. We walk out the door and into the garage. We hop into my 2015 Charger the was jet black. We pulled out of the garage and make our way down the long driveway.

After 30 minutes, we arrive at the tattoo place and walk in. A man with a bald head and a body full of tattoos comes over to us.

"Aye, how may I help you?" he ask. Justin tells him that we both want tattoos.

"I want piercings too" i say from behind Justin. The man nods and walks to the back room, we follow him and sit down in the chairs.

"What type of piercings sweetheart?" he man asks. I think about it then decide on lip, nose and belly button. He gets to work and after a minute, he's done.

"Now what kind of tattoos?" the man asks. I shrug and look to Justin. He tells him what he wants and the man gets to work.

Justin got and eagle on his back, a gun on his left cafe and NS on the side of his neck. The NS stands for 'North Side' which is the name of our gang.

"Your turn" Justin says standing up out of the chair. I laugh and get into the chair. I get a sugar skill on the back of my left arm, two guns with angel wings on my ribs, NS on my right wrist, a full sleeve on my right arm. The sleeve had roses and skulls. I also got the word 'Fearless' on my left wrist.

"Ok, all done" the man says. I stand up and the pain from the needles finally hit me, it wasn't bad. We pay and leave.

"Those are some hot ass tattoos you got there, Jason's going to love it" Justin says getting into the car. I roll my eyes and start the car.

"I could care less what Jason will think about it" i say driving down the road. He looks over at me with a look.

"Why?" He asks, I sigh and look over at him.

"He cheated in me again, he had a bet with Mark to see how many girls he can cheat on me with. I found out and dumped him" I say. I pull into the hair salon and get out of the car.

"Really, that dick, look Kelli I'm sorry that happened. If you need anything come to me" Justin say, each word he steps closer to me, until he was inches away from me. He licked her lips and leaned in, pecking mine. I smiled and pulled away, Justin is a nice kid and I think I like him more then a friend, but maybe not.

We walk into the salon and Justin groans behind me. I laugh at him and tell him to go sit in the waiting chairs.

"Hello, how can I help you?" a young girl asks me, she looks about 16 or so, its probably her first job.

"Umm i want my hair colored" i say writing my info down on the sign in sheet.

"Ok what color?" She ask with a smile. I think about it then answers.

"Like a medium bright purple" i say. She laughs then leads me over to the chair.

"Ok let's get started" She says in a perky voice. I laugh and look in the mirror at the new me, and I like what I see.


Please leave ideas! I got none!



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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