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It's been a week since my date with Bryan, and he has called me and texted me non-stop, telling me how sorry he is. I texted him back saying to leave me alone, but he hasn't. If he doesn't stop i'll have to change my number or something.

Its been a week since we found
out that Bre is pregnant with another gangs baby. We haven't told her that we are going to drop her off at the other gang's house. She hasn't told anyone but Grace, who told me, who told Boss, but it was the best for the gang. But she is a trader and she can't stay here.

It's been a week since I forgave Jason and we are working on our relationship everyday. We are still just friends, he has been so sweet and loving. It still hurts to think that he cheated on me, but I have grown up and everyone deserves a second chance.

Right now, Justin, Emily, Jason and I were sitting in the living room. Bre has been sick in her room all morning and Grace and Mark are upstairs. We know what they are doing because the whole house can hear them.

"Can we leave and go somewhere, I can't stand to hear them any more!" Jason says holding his ears. We laugh at him and we go back to watching tv.

"Come on please" Jason says. We look at each other and then nod. We stand up and walk out to the car. Jason gets in the driver side and Justin in the passenger. Emily and I got into the back seat.

"So, you and Jason?" she ask wiggling her eyebrows up and down. i laughs and roll my eyes at her.

"Nothing is happening. I just forgave him and we are friends now" I say looking out the window. She nods then asks me.

"But isn't it hard to be friends, I mean you guys dated" i shrug. But the truth is, it is hard. I just want to be in his arms.

"Well if we are being honest, I like Justin" she says into my ear. I don't know why, but a rush of anger went over me. I shook it and looked out the window as we pulled into the mall parking lot.

We get out and walk into the mall. I take Emily's hand and pull her into a shoe store.

"So what do you think?" Emily asks looking down at a pair of shoes.

"What the shoes? I guess they are cute" I say finding a pair of my own.

"No not the shoes, me going out with Justin" I look up a her and then look back at the shoes in my hands.

"Well, i means he is a nice guy, e would make a nice boyfriend, but I don't know, if it makes you happy" i ask finding another pair of shoes, these ones sandals.

"Oh no, I don't want a boyfriend, I just want a sex buddy" she laughs. When she says that I slam the shoes down. She gives me a weird look.

"I just don't think that is a good idea, Justin is a nice kid and doesn't deserves to have that done to him" i say. She just scoffs at me then walks away. I sigh but I don't feel sorry for what I said. Justin is super nice and should have a girlfriend and not a sex buddy.

We walked out if the shoe store, with Emily still not talking to me, and went to a clothes store. We looked around, bought a couple of things and walked out. You see the best thing about being in the gang, the pay is amazing!

At 1:00 Emily and I went to the cafe to meet the boys. We walk in and see them talking about something. I sit next to Jason and Emily next to Justin. She sends me a smirk and leans over on Justin. I roll my eyes and focus on my food.

"So, did you two have fun?" Jason asks looking from me to Emily. We didn't say anything, that should answer is question. Just then Jason's phone rang. He picked it up and after minute put it back in his pocket.

"We have to go, something came up at the house" Jason says getting up. He grabs all of his bags and mine. We run to the car and get it.

"Whats going on?" Justin asked. Jason rubs that back of his neck and sighs.

"Boss dropped Bre off at that gangs house, and now they came to our house, banging around and say that they are going to blew that house up" Jason explains, he drives faster. We get to the house and see they other gang messing around at the house. We get out of the house and shoot everyone there. We run in and Boss, Mark, and Grace are running around, gathering things.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"They set a bomb!" Grace yells. My eyes widen and i run up the steps to my room. I grab a box that had important things from Sam and my childhood. I looked around the room, looking for anything I couldn't live without. There was nothing there so I ran out, but I ran back in and went under my bed, grabbing a photo album. It had pictures of the best days of my life in it. I stand back up when I hear everyone yelling for me.

I ran to the door and looked back once more. My eyes land on the rose Jason gave me and I ran over to it and grabbed it.

"KELLI, NOW COME ON!!" Jason yells from downstairs. I run down the step and out the front door. We all piled into the van and drove just as the house blew up.

We look back at the burning house, all the memories, the laughs and tears. Gone.




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