Goodnight Kiss

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A/n: please give me ideas! i will give you full credit for it! I will use any!


I pull up to the movie theater and park the car. I check my makeup in the rearview mirror. I looked at my phone, seeing that I have a text from Bryan saying he was here. I put my phone in my purse and got out of my car and walked to the door.

I walk in and saw Bryan over by the popcorn. I smile and wave at him, i walked over to him and hugged him.

"You look beautiful" He says kissing my cheek. I smiled and blushed.

"Thanks, so what movie do you want to see?" I ask looking at he board of movies playing.

"It doesn't matter" I say. He nods and gets two tickets to a random funny movie. We get the popcorn, drinks and candy, we walk to the theater room and pick a seat.

"So whats new with you?" He asks taking a sip of his drink. I take a bit of a popcorn then answer.

"Nothing much, just working, that's all i do" i say with a laugh. I probably shouldn't have mentioned work.

"Do what do you do for work?" he ask looking at me. umm shit, what do i say?

"Oh umm work in the mall" I say. The mall? Really Kelli?!?

"That's cool, and as you know i work at the club" he says with a laugh. We go on talking about his job, his car, his old girlfriends, everything about him. I barely got a word in. Lucky the movie started so he would shut up.

During the movie, he kept trying to put is arm around me, but i shake it off. The movie was half way through when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn and look at Bryan.

"This is kind of boring, you want to get out of here?" he asks.

"Yea" No. I want to say here i like this movie but whatever. We get up and walk out of the theater.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask. I was pissed that we had to leave the movie early, and then when we were at the movie, he talked about him.

"You" he says pushing me up against my car. I try to push him off but he is to strong.

"Bryan let me go" I say pushing him off. He pins me to the at even harder and the smashes his lips onto mine. I try to move away from the kiss, but I couldn't. Finally I break away and knee him in the balls. He dropped to the ground and groans in pain. I kick him in the stomach once more and then I get into my car and drive off.

He is such a stupid jerk, I can't believe him! Who knows what he would have done to me if he got me alone in a room. Ugg he is such a jerk, why do guys have to be jerks!

I pull into the driveway of the house and get out of my car. I walk inside and I walk into the living room. Justin was in the same spot as he was when I left. I laughed and sat down next to him.

"How was you 'friend'?" Justin ask looking at me. I roll my eyes and put my feet on the coffee table.

"A total jerk, he only talked about himself and then a made us leave the movie early. When we were out in the parking lot, he pushed me against my car and kissed me. I tried pushing him away but he pinned me down harder." I say in one breath. A look of anger goes over Justin's face.

"What did you do?" he ask his voice full of anger.

"I kicked him in the balls" i says with a laugh. Justin relaxes and laughs to.

"I think I'm going to bed, ill see you later" I say getting up.

"Ok night" He says from behind me. I walk up the stair and down to my room. I open the door and look at the rose still on my dresser. I smile and pick it up, smelling it.

"So I see you like my gift?" Jason ask from the doorway. I turn and look at him. I blush and look at my feet.

"Yea I did, thanks" I say. He smiles and walks closer to me.

"Your welcome, I did it to prove I love you and I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of those things I said" He walks closer, until our chests are inches apart.

"I didn't mean anything i said either" i say. I look into his eyes, I see love and gilt in them.

"Would you please take me back, at lease give me another chance to prove myself" He says. I want to say yes, but I can't give in this early, well it's been like 2 months. I should grow up and forgive him.

"Ok, but you have to gain my trust back, and that's not easy. You have to prove to me that you really do love me and will never hurt me" I say looking at him. A big smile spreads across his face. He hugs me and spins me around.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Jason says as he puts me down. I laugh and look at him.

"We are not together, just starting over" I say just to make sure he is clear on the whole thing.

"Of course, God I'm so happy to have you back" He says pulling me into a hug. I'v missed his hugs so much.

"Ok ok, calm down" I laugh. He smiles and says he's sorry.

"Well I'm going to bed so i'll see you tomorrow" I say hugging him once more.

"You want me to sleep with you?" He asks. I laughs and pushes him to the door.

"Just friends Jason" I say. He playfully rolls his eyes and hugs me again.

"I missed you" he says. He leans his forehead onto mine and looks in my eyes. He leaned down and kiss my kiss. Spark flew through me. I pulled away and smiled.

"Goodnight Jason" I say

"Goodnight Kelli" he kisses my head and then walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I smile and get my PJs on, I get into the bed and pull the blanket over me. I close my eyes and let the sleep take over me.


Thanks for reading!

Please if you have any ideas let me know and I will give you full credit!



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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