Moving On

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Today was the last day in Paris and i didn't want to leave, Jason kept telling me that we will come back, but it just want to love here forever.

I was zipping up my suitcases, when Jason came walking into the bedroom. He has on black drop crouch pants and a black tank, black SnapBack with red shoes.

"Hey" I say getting up and kissing him, he kisses back but sighs.

"Whats wrong?" i ask him while I pick the lent off of his shirt.

"I just have a feeling that something very bad happened back home" Oh gezz here we go again.

"Jason, baby nothing happened ok, Mark took care of the place and I'm sure Justin didnt throw to many party's" I say, he laughs and hugs me.

"Thanks for always being there for me" he says hugging me. He lets go and takes my bags to the front door.

"You ready?" Jason ask grabbing my hand. I turn and look out the window to the Eiffel Tower and sigh. Jason pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head. I walk the door and grabbed my bag, making our way down to the car, and drive to the airport.

*after flight*

We get into the car from the airport and began the hour drive home. Since I slept on the plane, I really wasn't tired. Jason grabbed my hand with one of his and kept the other on the wheel.

"Did you have a good time?" He ask me while still watching the road. I smile at the thought of everything that happened in Paris.

"Yes, thank you so much Jason" i say leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"I can't wait for the baby" he says rubbing my stomach. Im so happy that he wants the baby and isn't going to run out.

"Are you going to stay, through everything?" i ask him in a worried tone. He looks away from the road and turns my head with his fingers so I'm looking at him.

"Hey, I'm going to be here forever, we are going to get married, have kids and be together forever." He says kissing me. Tears fall from my face, I guess it's the hormones. He wipes them away and we continue driving home.

The whole rest of the ride, Jason and I were talking about baby names and wedding plans. We finally pull into the garage and get out of the car. We left our bags in the trunk, because we are going to get them later, we are both so jet lag it not funny.

I opened to door that leads from the garage to the house and stepped in. It was quite, like really quite. I pulled out my phone and checked the time, it was noon so everyone should be up by now. All the light were off so when we walked into living room and turned on the light. I turn on the switch and screamed.

Everyone in the gang, even little Joey was laying in the middle of the floor, dead. I run over to Grace, shaking her but she wouldn't wake up. There was blood all over the place, looked behind me to see Justin, god I can't. He went over to him and put my head on his bloody chest. He was my best friend, he was always there for me and i wasn't here for him, or any of them.

I looked around the room for Jason but he wasn't there. I say down and cried, everyone was gone, even Emily. I can't believe that they are all gone, I should have stayed, then maybe they wouldn't be dead right now! Jason came running up the stairs from the basement and came over and hugged us.

"Come on Kelli" he says helping me up.

"W-where are we g-going?" I ask while stumbling to where ever Jason his taking me.

"We are leaving and going to Canada" he says walking upstairs. I go into my room and gather all of my stuff, a lot of my clothes are already in the car, but like all of my pictures and stuff. I walk over to my dresser and saw a letter and a picture that isn't mine.


You shouldn't have left, they needed you. They called for you, they tried to fight, but we were to strong. The pictures are ALL and I mean all of your other members, all 500 of them. We told you that you were going to pay for what you did to my family, and this is what you get! Your lucky that your little girlfriend wasn't here, I would have loved to have her to myself. I hope we can do business again sometime.

- Tigers'

I managed to read it through my tears, I cants believe that the tigers did this! I thought we took all of them out! I picked up the pictures and look at them, there was 5 pictures and each one hundred died bodies. I crumbled the pictures up and through them into the trash. I grabbed the letter and put it with all of my other stuff and walked down the hallway. I went down the stairs, not looking at the bodies and walked out to there car where all of our other bags were.

I put my bags in the back and got into the passenger seat and waited for Jason. I laid my head back on the headrest and cried. I can't believe that everyone I love is dead! Sam, Joe, Boss, Mark,Grace, Emily, Justin, and even baby Joey!! I hear the car door open, I look to my left and I see Jason get it, starting the car and pulling out.

"So were are we going again?" I ask him, I think he told me earlier, but my mind was somewhere else.

"Canada, I have a house up there and we will start our new life up there. Forget everything and began new, with the baby" he says. I look over at him.

"Forget? How can we forget them?!" I almost yell at him. He groans and holds my hand.

"It's going to be hard, but we need to because if we don't, then we will be miserable" He says with an angry voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm just tried of losing people" I say looking out the window. He rubs his thumb over my hand then lifts it and kisses it.

"Well we won't have to worry about that in Canada, we will began again up there, just you, me and our baby" he says rubbing my stomach. I kiss him on the cheek and then look back out the window.

We drive to the airport, going to a place that will make us forgive about all of the bad that happened here. All of the hurt and tears, blood and sweat. As we drive away, I think of our new life, getting married and having kids. Maybe out new life wouldn't be so bad, but I will miss this life as well. We can only hope.


Ok end of book one!!!!

Thank you so much for reading and for all of your support! I love all of you!

I will update the next story
Soon <--- haha not Justin's soon, but soon.

Again thanks so much!

Check out @fan_girlin_life 's stories 'Our Mixed Up Worlds' and 'The Golden Killers'

@maegangallegos22 : 'Hurt, Damaged, Betrayed'

@bieber_who : 'Mr. Bieber'


These guys guys up there ^ have supported me through everything :)

-Bella :)

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