"..No one knows about us.."

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I woke up in the morning to light snoring, I look up to see Jason peacefully asleep. I smile to myself thinking about what happened last night, how Jason told me he really liked me, and that he is my boyfriend now.

I felt him shift under me, because my head was still on his chest, I look up and see his open his eyes.

"Hey babe" he says in a husky voice. I feel my cheeks redden at his words, I'm not used to anyone calling me 'babe' but I really like it.

"Hi" I say shyly, he chuckles and gives me a kiss on the lips. His lips felt so good, I have never felt this good when I'm with someone.

"So I was thinking about what we talked about last night, about how we really don't know each other a lot, so maybe today we should go out to lunch or something" Jason says while siting up in the bed. I think about it for a minute then nod.

"Yea that sounds good, but what about the rest of the gang, wouldn't they think its weird that we are going to lunch together?" I ask. He starts to think about it for a minute then speaks up.

"We will just say that we are going on a job, no one will think twice" That does sound like a good idea.

"Yea, that sounds good" I say giving him a light kiss in the lips.

"Well, I have to go, before they come looking for me and I'm not there" he says getting dressed and heading to the door, but he turns to me.

"And remember, no one knows about us, so let's act like we are just friends" He says, then winks and walks out the door. I laugh and shake my head at his cuteness.

I get out of bed and walk into the shower and wash all over my body, Jason didn't say what time we would be leaving, so I'm going to do this now just in case. I heard the door open and the shower curtain open. I turn around to see Grace standing there.

"So what happened with you and Jason last nigh?" She asks with her hand on her hip. I hurry up and turn off the water and grab a towel to cover up my naked body.

"What the fuck Grace?" I yell at her. Like really I'm naked and she just comes right in here and acts like nothing happened.

"Oh come on, I'm a girl, iv seen it all before, but really what happened with Jason, I saw him walk out of your room this morning" she says with a silly grin on her face. I shrugged my shoulder and walked into my room to get dressed.

"Oh bullshit, what happened!!??" she ask sitting down on my bed.

"Nothing happened, he wanted to talk and we did, then we fell asleep its not big deal" I say pulling my shirt over my head. Grace just looks at me and shakes her head.

"Whatever" she says laughing, I know that she doesn't believe me but I'm not telling her and Jason and I just yet.

Grace and I made our way downstairs and into the living room, where everyone else is sitting and talking. The boys look at us, then go back to their beers and talking about girls and cars.

I sit next to Jason and Grace sits between Joe and Mark. Grace looks and me and Jason then winks, I just flip her off then turn to watch tv.

"Oh Kelli, Boss said that we have a job to, so we should leave now" Jason says getting up and walking to the door.

"USE PROTECTION!!" Grace yells at us as we walk out the door, both Jason and I turn and flip her off with both hands.

Once we get to the coffee shop, we order and take a seat.

"So, tell me about you" Jason says taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well, I'm an only child, my parents moved to Texas to be with my Grandparents leaving me all alone, I graduation high school half a year early, and my favorite color is pink" I say in one breath. I look over at Jason, who is taking in everything I just said. "so what about you?" I continue.

"Well, my parents died when I was three, and my bother rises me, then when I was 16 he died, and Boss toke me in" he say looking down at his hands that were on the table. I grabs his hand and rubbed it.

"It's ok, I'm here for you now" I say with a smile, he looks up and smiles back.

We spent a couple if hours just talking about ourselves, from old boyfriends and girlfriends, to childhood pets. But there were somethings that he didn't open up on, and I get that, when he is ready he will tell me.

"Well, I think we should go before they start getting worried" Jason says standing up from the table. I do the same and we walk out to the car.

After a couple minutes of driving Jason pulls into a back ATM. I give him a weird look, but he jut told me to wait a minutes. I watch as he walks up to the ATM and messes around for a minute, then he walks back over to the car and drives away in a hurry.

"What was that about" I ask giving him a look. He just smiles and pulls out a huge roll of money.

"The gang thinks we are on a job, so that means we have to bring back money" he says with a cocky smile, which causes me to laugh.

Ten minutes later, we arrive home and walk inside. All heads turn our way. Grace gives us a smile and wiggles her eyebrows up and down. I roll my eyes at her and walk down to the basement to put the money Jason gave me in the safe.

I walk up stairs, this time to see Boss standing in the living room as well. He turns to me and tells me to take a seat. I sit between Mark and Grace, because I don't want anyone thinking Jason and I are a couple.

"Ok, so there has been an emergency" Boss speaks up. Everyone in the room stiffens at his words.

This can't be good.


I just want to say thanks to everyone how is reading this!

Over 200 reads and 20 votes!!! thanks so much!! you have no idea how much it means to me!

Thanks to @fan_girlin_life for this idea in this chapter:) love you girl!!!

Please leave ideas, ill use all!



Thanks for reading


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