Lie Detecter

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"Omg Justin guess what!" i say running into his room. He was playing on his phone, laying on his bed.

"Omg Kelli what what!?" he asks in a girly voice. I roll my eyes and sit next to him on the bed. He sits up and pulls me onto his lap.

"Ok so I talked to Jason and he said that he would either give your tech job back, or like mission leader, or plan planer, ain't that great" I say in one breath. I don't know why I'm so happy and exited by this.

"Plan planer?" He says with a laugh just like Jason did. I laugh at look up at him.

"Yea ok I know my English sucks ok, but focus on the good of it" I say kissing his cheek.

"Ok thanks Kelli, it means a lot, but why were you down there so long?" He asks playing with my hair.

"Umm he just talked about me and him, he wanted to say how sorry he was and that he will prove to me that he is serous and umm how he was scared and that is why he cheated" i tell him. I remember everything that happened just a few moments ago.

"Really, what a load of bullshit" he says with a laugh. I look at him with hurt eyes, even though me and Jason are broken up I still love him.

"He was telling the truth, he is going to take a lie detecter test and prove to me that he will change" i say standing up from his lap. Justin has a look of disbelief on his face. He is quite for a minute, then finally speaks up.

"You still love him don't you" he says in a quite voice, I sigh and nod, knowing it will hurt him.

"Why, after all of the shit he put you through?" he stands up with anger all over his face. I take a step back, but I'm not going to let him see I'm scare so I take a step closer to him.

"I don't know Justin, I have asked myself this all of the time, I don't understand why I still love him after everything he did but I do, I wish I didn't but I do!" I say taking a step closer. He is just inches away from me, his face right in mine.

"Look Kelli, Im sorry I know you still love him and always will. Can we just be friends again, act like this never happened?" he asks pulling me into a hug. i laugh and nod, hugging him back.

"Yea, we can, as long as you there for me like you were before" I say looking up at him. He laughs and nods.

"Of course, but as long as I get a few of your kisses every once in a while" I nod and he pulls me into another hug.

*1 week*

It's been a week since Justin and i went back to being friends and it is just like old times. Yea, every once in a while it is a little weird, but our friend ship is amazing.

"Kelli, can I talk to you in my office" Jason says coming into the living room where everyone was. I nod and stand up, i look over at Grace how starts making out with the air, then points to me and Jason. She winks at me and I just flip her off and follow Jason.

I walk into his office to see a man sitting in a chair next to a big machine with paper and wires and different things. Then it clicked, it was a lie detecter test. I look over at Jason and he smiles, taking a seat next to the guy running the test.

"Hi, I'm Rief, ill be doing the test today" he says shaking my hand.

"Kelli" I say back. I stand in front of Jason as Rief hooks him up to the machine. Once Jason is all hooked up a take a seat in front of him.

"Ok, Kelli would you like to ask the questions? They have to be yes or no questions, other wise the test won't work" Rief tells me. I nod and think of all the questions I want to ask.

"Ok, Jason are you really scared that I would leave you like everyone else?" I ask looking straight at him. He takes a deep breath then answer.


"Will you you ever cheat on me again?"


"Do you trust me?"


"Do you really love me?"


"Will you ever leave me again?"


"Will you stay truthful and faithful?"


"Ok, that's all my questions" I tell Rief. He nods and stops the test. He unhooked Jason from all of the wires. He stands up and walks over to me, I smile at him. I can't believe he when through all of this trouble to prove to me.

"Ok, well it looks like he" Rief says but stops, looking over the test again. I tense up, half of me doesn't want to know the results and the other half of me want to know.

"He passes every question, congrats" Rief says before packing up all of his things and leaves. I turn to Jason and hug him.

"I'm sorry, I told you I would prove myself to you and I did, I love you Kelli and I will never hurt you" Jason says kissing my head. I smile and kiss him on the lips, god how I have missed that feeling.

"Thank you so much Jason, you went through all of that trouble to show me how much you love me and that you never will again" i say cuddling my head deeper into his chest.

"So will you take me back and be my girlfriend again?" he ask lifting my head up so I'm looking at him. He has proved himself to me enough, so why not.

"Of course, but you have to stay true and faithful, just like I will" I say with a small laugh. He laughs and nods. We lean into each other and kiss, his lips sent sparks down my spine.


Over 2K views!! Thank you so much!

So me and @fan_girlin_life have been talking and I'm going to do a sequel!! But I don't know when I'm going to start it. I need ideas because I have none, so if you want a sequel, give me ideas please. You will get FULL credit for every and all ideas!



Thanks for reading


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