New Leader

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I woke up to the sun shining through the windows. I sat up in the bed and looked around. I was still in Justin's room, after he carried me up to his room last night, I laid on his chest and cried. He played with my hair, whispering sweet things in my ear. I love how he is always there for me, and listens when I talk. The more time I spend with him the more I think I'm falling for him.

All of a sudden I hear yelling from downstairs. I get up and walk downstairs. I walk down to see Jason yelling at Justin and Mark.

"You know I can't do that!" Jason yells at them.

"Jason you have to, your the only one who is capable of doing it!" Mark yells back at him.

"Whats going on?" I ask wrapping my arms around me. They all three look up at me. Jason's face lightens, Justin smiles at me which caused me to smile to.

"They want me to take Boss's place, the head of the gang, but I ca-" I cut him off my speaking up.

"You should do it" I say looking at him. He gives me a weird look.

"What?" he says taking a step closer to me. I take a step back, but Jason keeps walking closer.

"You should do it Jason, I mean your the only one that can take care of all of us. You have all the skill and knew everything Boss did, your the best hope for us" I say looking away from him, but what i said to him was true, he is our only hope and he is the best for the gang.

He smirks then steps even closer, I step back, but I hit the wall. I try to move but he put his arms on either side of me so I stuck.

"Babe, I always knew you thought I was smart" His face gets closer to mine. I can feel his hot breath on my face.

"Well your not smart enough to sleep with all those sluts, who knows how many STDs you have right now" I say with a smirk. Jason's eyes turn black and he took his arms off of the wall and grabbed my shoulders. He pushes me up against that wall.

"Jason, let her go!" Justin yells from behind us. Jason's eyes go back to their heavenly brown color. He lets me go and I walk back over to Justin, he hugs me and rubs my back. Jason looks over at us with hurt in his eyes, why would he be hurt? He never loved me anyway, so what does it matter?

"Ok, i'll do it" Jason says before walking off to Boss's office. I look up at Justin and he kisses my forehead. In that moment, I realize I might be falling for Justin.

*One Week Later*

It's been a week since Jason took over Boss's place, and he has let the power go to his head. He is more angry and mean. Every time I have to go into his office for something, there is at lease three different girl, each time.

But in good news, Justin and I are dating! I know it is a little soon, but Justin is really great and caring, he is more of my best friend then anything. Plus, our friendship is so strong, that even if we do break up, we will be friends.

"Hey Kelli, it's time for the meeting" Justin says walking into my room. I look up and smile.

"Thanks" I say standing up. He walks over to me and kisses me on the lips. I don't get the same feeling that I do from Jason, but there is still something there.

"Come on" He says grabs my hand and we walk down the steps to the netting that Jason called this morning.

We walk into the meeting room, hand in hand, and everyone looked up at us, they smile then go back to what they were doing before, expect Emily and Jason.

Emily hates me even more since Justin and I have started dating, and Jason doesn't like us dating either. But I don't really give a flying flag.

I sit between Justin and Grace. Grace is showing a little, but not much. Mark took the new wonderfully and they plan on getting married soon.

I look over at Jason who is already looking at me. I rub my arm, the one full of tattoos, and look away. Jason stands up and begins to speak.

"So, since Boss passed, i have become head of the gang. And now I'm going to name your new spots in the gang" Oh great, I'm probably going to be like the toilet cleaner or something.

"Kelli, our new leader" Jason says, I almost pass out when he says this. I look around to see Mark is glaring at me.

"Umm, no why can't Mark do it, he has been here longer and is better then me in every way" I say standing up. Jason leans on the table and looks at me.

"Because I chose you, and you will be perfect for the job" I can't believe this! Why do I have to be the leader?!

"Mark, I want you to be the co-leader, so if Kelli needs help, or something happens to her, you take her place" Mark nods his head, still not happy. Jason goes on to tell Grace that she is to take Justin's job, which is deal with the computers and look up people's background. He told Emily to stay the same, which is do nothing.

"Justin, your going to be the gun clearer and dog watcher" Jason says with a smirk. Justin's jaw dropped and looks at Jason with an evil look.

"Ok what the hell Jason? Dog watcher?" I ask looking over at him. He smiles and then whistles, two huge scary dogs come running in. The go over to Jason and sit on either side of him.

"Everyone meet Rex" he says pointing to the German Shepherd to his right.

"And this is Monster" he says pointing to the Rottweiler to his left. Really Rex and Monster?

I look over at Justin to see him have a pissed off look on his face. It is really unfair to Justin, just because he is dating me, Jason is being a jerk to him.

"Are we done yet?" I ask with my hand on my hip. Jason nods and I grab Justin's hand and walk out of the meeting room. Once we were up in Justin's room, i turn to him.

"I'm sorry about what Jason is doing" i tell him. He shrugs and sits down on the bed. I can see the disappointment and anger in his face.

"What if I talk to him?" I say sitting next to him on the bed. He sighs and looks at me.

"Don't worry about it Kelli, Im a big boy" he says with a laugh. I laugh at him too, i lean over and kiss him on the lips.

"Don't worry i'll says something to him" I smiles and kiss him again.


Sorry it's boring, give me ideas and it won't be haha



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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