Official Memebers

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A/n Thanks to @fan_girlin_life for being there be me since day one! I will never forget you, you are my best friend!


"Ok, so here are the people that made it into the gang" Boss says.

Here it comes, please say Emily and Bre!!

"Justin" Boss says. I look over at Justin with his brown hair and brown eyes. He looks kinda like Jason, but Jason is way hotter. Anyway, Justin's eyes got big an so does his smile. Im glad he made it.

"Emily" I smile, one down, one to go. I hear Emily let out a small yell of excitement.

"Bre" Yes!! thank you, thank you! My two new beat friends made it!!

"And last but not lease Chris" Ye- wait what? He made it? No, now I'm never going to get away from him. I look over at Chris, only to see him looking at me with a smirk on his face, god how I want to smack it off of his face so bad right now!

"To the others I'm sorry, if you would please follow Jason and Mark down to the basement, we have some business to talk about" Boss says making his way to the basement. Jason, Josh, and Dave follow behind him. They are unaware of their fate.

"Congrats guys!" Grace says hugging Emily and Bre.

"Yea congrats, and congrats to you to Justin and umm Chris" I say looking over at them. Justin smiles and thanks me, but Chris just smirks at me again. Just then we hear two gun shots ring through the house.

"What the hell was that!?" Bre asks looking around. Emily, Justin, and Chris are all confused as well.

"That's what happens when you don't pass the test" I say in a blank voice. They all look at me with wide eyes.

"Really, they would have killed us?" Justin asks. His voice just above a whisper.

"Yes, and I would rather go that way then being kidnapped by another gang and they kill me, who knows what they would do to me first" Grace says looking down at her nails like it was nothing. They others take in everything that just happened, then go back to talking.

After a couple of minutes, Jason and Mark come up stairs, their smoking guns still in their hands. Emily lets out a gasp, meant to be only heard by her, but everyone else heard it as well.

"Get use to it!" Jason snaps at her, before he walks, stumps, up the steps. Grace looks at me and gives me a 'go fix him' look. I sigh and get up.

"I'm sorry about him, he's having a bad day" I say to Emily who is still in shock about the whole Jason thing.

"Yep, you sure have a keeper" I hear Chris say behind me as I walk up the stairs. I just roll my eyes and continue walking.

Once I made it to our room, I open the door to see Jason Latin on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Hey" I say as I sit down next to his feet on the bed. He doesn't say anything, doesn't even look at me.

"Look, I'm sorry if I did anything to make you mad, I didn't mean to, but I just want to know what is going on with you" I say looking at my feet. I hear a cold chuckle from behind me. I look up to see Jason still laying there, but his face red from anger.

"You want to know whats wrong Kelli? Do you?" Jason ask sitting up. I move onto the bed more and turn to him.

"Yes, please tell me" I say looking into his eyes. Im looking for the brown that I fell in love with, but all I see is black.

"Ok, I'll tell you whats wrong, this is whats wrong!" he says throwing a piece of paper at me. I scrunch my eyebrows together and pick up the paper and began to read it.

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