".. I won't let anything happen to you"

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There is a time in every girl's life, where you have to buck up and get down to business. And this was that time.

To be honest, i'v never been so scared in my life, but I can't let it show. I have to be strong, for Sam and Joe. If I let my weakness show, these guys will rip me apart.

I step out into the front yard, being followed by the rest of the gang. I stop and look at the people around us, they are all big strong men, a couple women that look just as deadly.

My eyes land on the leaders of the two groups, they stand in front of me about 10 ft away. One has orange and black on, and the other one has blue on. Their gang colors.

"What do you want?!" I yell at them, my anger is rising. They chuckle and the leader in orange steps up.

"We want to make you pay" he says with a smirk. The other leader smirks as well, and adds.

"Yea, you are going to wish you never killed them!" Really? thats all you got, loser.

"Oh please, they deserved to die, just like all of you!" Jason shouts while walking up next to me. I look over and see anger all over his face.

"Look who's talking, McCann you are the worst one here, you deserve to die before any of us" The orange leader says, rising his gun, pointing it at Jason's head. I don't know what took over me, but before I could stop myself I stepped in front of Jason.

"What the hell do you guys want, either you tell me and we get down to business, or you turn your stupid asses around and go back where you came from!!" i shout at them. Im getting more and more tired of this.

"Yea Dave, just say it" Boss says from behind us all. The one in the orange, who I guess is Dave steps up, coming closer and closer to us.

"Well to be honest, I want her" Dave says, looking straight at me. I can feel Jason stiffen behind me. Jason pulls me behind him and steps closer to the guy.

"Yea, and whys that" Their faces and inches apart. It looks like at any moment they will rip each other faces apart.

"Because she killed our best men, and she pretty also, just how I like them" Dave says, giving me a creepy look. Jason steps even closer to the guy, but I pull him back and step in between them.

"Really, he wasn't so good when I killed him in one second, he never say it coming, he was sloppy, and easy, if thats your best I feel sorry for you" I say, this time I'm the one in his face. I look up in his black eyes, he is almost a foot taller then me, but I'm not backing down.

"Please, your just a little girl, I bet you had Jason kill him for you, I bet you probably haven't even shot that gun before" he says will a cold chuckle. I smirk and lift my gun, pointing it at one of his gang members, and pull the trigger. I stare into his eyes that whole time, not even blinking once.

The boy I shot drops to the ground.


Dave's face turns red and his vanes look like they are about to pop out of his head. He turn and walks over to the others. I turn to look at Jason and he smirks at me, but quickly goes back to his poker face. I turn back to the other gang and look at them, both of their gangs together, there is about 30 people, which isn't even half of the full gang.

Dave, the leader of the Tigers, are the biggest gang in the west coast, which means there are many more gang members, but he only brought a few. And the other gang is smaller, so that most be all of their members. But it still is way more then out five members.

Five to thirty. Wow.

"Well, since you guys aren't saying anything I will, I'm getting tired of you guys standing here and wasting our time, you killed one of our members, so like I said before, either leave or get down to business!!" I yell, I would kill all of them right now if it meant getting this over with.

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