City of Love

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I just want to say thank you so much to @fan_girlin_life and @maegangallegos22 for always being there for me and giving me the idea for these next few chapters. I couldn't have done it if it weren't for you.


It's been 3 months since Jason agreed to take on to other two gangs and it has been hell! Jason is always so stressed out, which leads to us fighting all the time. He says I'm the bitchy one and causes it, but all he does is work!

Anyway, some good new, Grace and Mark had their baby!!! His name is Joe Jerry Miller and he is the cutest little thing. He has Grace's blue eyes, but Marks everything else.

Right now I was walking into the kitchen and i gabbed a bag of chips. I walk into the living room where Grace and Joe are, she was feeding him.

"Hey" I said sitting down next to him.

"Hey, wow not to be mean or anything but lay off the chips, you are getting a little chunky, but maybe are pregnant" Grace says with a laugh at the end, I know this sounds mean, and it is, but after she had the baby, she speaks her mind and doesn't care if it hurts. I put the chips down on the table and looked down at my stomach, it was fine, she most be in a mood or something.

"So do you need any help?" I ask her, she shakes he head no, so I get up and go upstairs. I would go to Jason's office, but that would only lead to a yelling match. I walked past Grace and Mark's room and stop, what if... No that can't happen. I continue walking down the hall, but i stop and run back to Grace's room. I go into her bathroom and get a pregnancy test that she still had, I run back to my bathroom and take the test. I doubt that it will be positive, but it won't hurt to try.

I wait for the test to finish and when the beep goes off I look at it. It was negative. Great, well maybe not, i have always wanted kids. There was a knock on the door, so i throw the test away and answer the door, it was Grace.

"Hey I want to say sorry for how I acted, I didn't mean it" she says giving me a hug. I tell her I forgive her and open the door wider for her.

"So, I have to tell you something" I say taking a seat on the bed. She sits next to me and looks at me.

"Well, I took one of your pregnancy test and it was negative" I tell her, she looks away then back at me.

"How many did you take?" she asks me.

"Just one, why?" I ask her back. She stands up and leaves the room. A minute later she comes back with the box in her hand.

"Sometimes that aren't always right" she says handing me the box.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief, she nods and hands me the test of the test, which is only 6! I go into the bathroom and take all 6 test.

We wait for what feels like forever, but finally they are all done. I pick each one up, and they all say one thing. Positive.

"Oh my god!" Grace screams from beside me, I'm still in disbelief, but I hug her anyway.

"I can't believe it" I say while I'm hugging her. At this point both Grace and I are crying. We throw away the test and walk back into my room. Grace and I were taking when Jason walked into the room, we look up at him and smile. Grace gets up and leaves, but turns and gives me a look before stepping out of the room.

"What was all the yelling for?" Jason ask taking off his shoes and laying in bed.

"Oh, she was telling me about something cute Joey did" i laugh, coving up my story. I lay down next to him and put my head on his chest.

"I was thinking, and I'm so sorry for the way I have been treating you lately, I have been under a lot of stress" Jason say pulling me on top of him. I straddle him and look into his beautiful eyes.

"It's ok, I'v been a bitch too" I say back. he laughs and kisses me.

"So, I was also thinking, we should go on a vacation to get our minds off of everything and who knows what can happen in the city of love" he says with a little smile. City of Love?!!?

"What?!" i ask while jumping up and down, just like a 5 year old kid on Christmas Day. Jason laughs and nods, I scream and hug him so tight that he is probably having a hard time breathing.

"When do we leave?" I ask still jumping up and down. He puts is hands on my shoulder and holds me down so I stop jumping.

"In two days" he says once I finally came down. I can't believe it, I'm going to my dream place, Paris!! in two days!!

"Come on babe, lets go to sleep" Jason says pulling me down so I'm laying beside him. I put my head on his chest and fall asleep.

*two days later*

I closed my suitcase that was full of clothes and shoes. I dragged it to the bedroom door and went over to my other suitcase, which was full of makeup and curling irons, and everything thing else like that. I pulled it next to my other one and looked around the room, just making sure I didn't forget anything. Once I saw that i have everything i grabbed my purse and walked down stairs.

I quietly walked down the hall, since it was 3 in the morning, and make it to the living room. I put all of my stuff by the front door and waited for Jason. He came out of his office with a worried look. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Don't worry about anything, ok Mark is going to handle it, everything is going to be alright" I say kissing his cheek. He sighs and nods.

"I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen" he say looking around at the house.

"Jason McCann, stop worrying do you want to ruin this trip?" i ask him. He shakes his head no.

"Ok, then stop worrying, its going to be ok" I smile, he smile and nods.

"Your right, I'm just freaking out" I pull him to the front door and I grab my bags while Jason grabs his. We walk out to the car and drive to the airport.

*after flight*

We get our bags from that spiny thing and call for a cab. Jason tells the driver were to go, and e take off. The drive was trying to talk to us, but I was just looking out of the window at all of the beautiful things around us. We finally made it there are we got out and grabbed our bags.

We were staying in a hotel, but Jason bought out the whole top floor. We made it up to our room and unpack.

"Hey babe, I want to show you something" Jason says when he is done putting his things away. I walk over to him and stand beside him. He opens the curtain and I look out the window. I gasp and hug Jason, we had an amazing view of the Eiffel Tower.

"Can we go to it?" I ask like a child in a candy shop. Speaking of kids, i haven't told Jason about the baby yet, I think i will tell him tonight.

"Yes, tonight, go get ready" he whispers in my ear. I turn and kiss me with so much passion, I pull back and run to the bathroom, but I stop and run back into the room, hugging him once more. He laughed and I got ready.

After a couple of hours, we were on the top of the tower, all alone because Jason bought it out to. I don't know if he used his money, or his name, but anyway it was amazing.

"Jason, I have always wanted to come to Paris" i say looking out at the view. Since we are eating here, the waiter came and gave us our food. We eat and talked when finally Jason stood up and walked over to me.

"Kelli, I need to tell you something" he says taking a deep breath in.


Ohh whats he going to say???!?

Only 2 Chapters left in book one!!!!!!!



Thanks for reading

-Bella :)

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