"Lets get started"

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Today is the day.

The day where I find out if I live or die. To say that I'm scared shitless, is an understatement. I know that I can pass the test, but I'm afraid that my nerves will get in the way.

I was getting dressed for the day, but all I could think about it my kiss with Jason. I mean, I have never felt that good before in my life. We act like nothing happened, but it did, he kissed me and I'm still trying to figure out why.

There was a knock on my door, I sighed and finished up my hair. Which was just in a messy bun.

"Kelli, it's time, hurry up and meet me down stairs" Mark says from the other side of the door. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before walking out in the hall.

When I stepped out, I bump into someone. I look up and see it is Jason, but he is with some slut, with fake blonde hair and fake boobs.

"Good luck" He says, before turning around and dragging the girl with him. I roll my eyes and continue walking down to the basement.

Once I get there i look around the room, I see Boss and Mark, and some other people, which I guess are the ones I'm going to fight.

"Ok Kelli, you know what time it is, this is Pat and Kyle, they will be the ones you will be fighting" Boss says, pointing to the two guys beside him.

"Wait, I have to fight both of them?" I ask in shock, I can do one, but two? I don't know about this.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Boss asks, cocking his eyebrow up. I shake my head, standing up straight, having no emotion on my face. I can't show them I'm scared.

"Ok, well lets get started" he says walking out of the room with Mark, who send me a wink and a nod. I return the same back to him.

The two boys smirk at me the walk over to me. Both of them are easily a foot taller then me, and about 50 pounds heavier.

The boy with blonde hair walks over to me, and the other one goes behind me. I start to get nervous, but I can't let that show. After all, it is my life on the line.

The boys come closer to me and Pat throws a punch. I dodge one, but only to be met with another one, by Kyle. I turn around a kick  Kyle in the head, and turn to punch Pat, but he caught my wrist, and twists it. Ok, I'm staring to get pissed.

I think back to Sam, that seems to be my trigger, when I want or need to get mad, I think of him.

I pull my arm away from Pat and swiftly kick him in the head, I knock I'm down to the ground. I get in top of him and punch him in the face, making his nose bleed. But, I'm pulled off my Kyle, who throws me back and gets on top of me. I punch and try to kick my way out, but he is to strong.

I think of Sam, trying to get angry. But its not working, maybe for one guy, but two. I start thinking of other things to get me mad. Then i think back to Jason and when he was with that slut this morning.

The anger builds up inside me, and it is enough to kick Kyle off of me. I get up wiping the blood from my face. By the time I get back up, both of the boys are up as well.

"Come, let's go" I say, with a smirk. This only makes them more mad. The both run to me, I throw a punch at one and trip the other. I get on Pats back and put him in a head lock.

Right before he passes out, my yanked by my hair by Kyle. I knee him in the balls. When he drops to the ground, I take is head and bang it off the floor about 40 times. Yea, I may be going over board, but I'm just so mad.

When I'm done, Kyle lays unconscious. I walk back over to Pat, who is still trying to catch is breath. I kick him in the stomach and then in the head. He lays there on the ground. He looks dead, but to be sure he does try any thing, I bring my foot up and then back down on his head.

After he doesn't get back up or a minute, I turn to look at Kyle, who is still laying unconscious. I take a deep breath and smile to myself.

I passed that part, now only the shooting part, I got this.

I think to myself. I look up when I hear clipping, I forgot I was not alone and the Boss and Mark was there.

"Great job, never seen a girl do that before" Boss says, looking down at the lifeless bodies.

"Thanks" I look up at Mark, to see him looking back at me with a smile on his face.

"Ok, now only the shooting part, lets go now, shall we?" Boss ask, motioning to the door. I nod my head and walk down the hall to the shooting range.

I walk in and grab my gun. I close my eyes and ask God to help me through this. I open my eyes and look over at Boss, who gives me the nod, that tells me to start. I rise my gun and aim.

Straight to the heart.

I see another dummy coming closer, so I shoot it in the head. I do the same thing for the next twenty minutes. The dummies get faster by the minute, and I'm surprised that I didn't miss once.

I put my gun down on the table and look over at Boss. Him and Mark are in the middle if a conversion, but stop when I look at them.

"Good, now go up to your room until Iv made my decision" Boss says, pointing to the door. I nod and do as I'm told.

I make my way upstairs, but when I walk into the living room, I see Jason and that slut almost fucking on the couch. I almost puke in my mouth.

As I walk pass, the slut gives me a dirty look. Really bitch, you are the one fucking a guy that you don't know on the couch, right in the middle of the living room, where everyone walks through.

I flip her off and keep going up to my room. I open my door and take a seat on the bed. I look around, I really didnt have time to make it mine, and put things that way I want. Most of the things in here, aren't even mine, it's Sam's. This was his room before he died.

I take a deep breath and lay back on my bed. I close my eyes, tried from all the fighting and hits I just took. I think of my life before  this. My friends, my house, everything.

Before I could get to sleep, there is a knock at my door.

"Hey Kelli, its time to come down, Boss wants to talk to you" Mark says from the other side of the door.

Well, it's now or never.

It's time to find out if I live or die.



Thanks for reading


P.S. I just want to say thank you SO much to my best friend @fan_girlin_life for being there for me. I love you haha :)

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