Kars {Worry}

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This one is kinda like 'Blankets'. I was re-reading and decided to make a different version for all of the pillar men. 

You were curled in a ball in the corner of a small room. You tried to tuck yourself as far into the corner as you could. Shivering uncontrollably, your mind left you. Instead, you were stuck on one or two thoughts, analyzing and overthinking, your imagination running wild. Usually, your anxiety wasn't this bad, but you had hit a sudden strike. You felt hopeless, scared, and abandoned. You were worried that they had left you, forever.

It didn't help that you were all alone in the temple you called home. The pillarmen generally stayed at the temple and didn't go out much but they had left to go searching for something. You had only caught a little bit of their conversation before they left. They hadn't even thought to tell you why. They didn't tell you at all. 

You tried to stand but your legs failed you as you fell back to the ground. You bruised your knees on the cold, hard stone. You let out a quiet sob and backed up against the wall. You pulled your knees to your chest and curled up once more. Hot tears burned in your eyes until you eventually fell asleep in your corner.


You awoke to a soft touch on your shoulder. You looked up to meet striking purple eyes. His expression was his usual stone glare with a small bit of concern hidden behind it. His hand moved to grip your arm as he pulled you up. You tried again to stand and stumbled a bit. Kars put an arm on your side to support you and pulled you closer. You looked at the ground and tried to gain stable footing. When you looked back up, Kars had a strange expression on his face. He took your hand and looked away from you. He lead you out of the small room and down some corridors before coming across a large, warm room. In the middle of the room was a bed with silk sheets and many pillows. You suddenly realized that it must be Kars's room. 

"(Y/N)," he said in a worried tone. His tone of voice surprised you. He usually only spoke in cold phrases;  especially when speaking to you. "Are you alright?" he asked. 

"O-of course, master Kars," you said in a small voice; it was almost to quiet for you to hear. He simply picked you up and placed you on the plush bed. You returned to the same position you were in earlier and waited anxiously for whatever was about to happen. Kars laid behind you and lounged on the large bed. You felt him tug at the ends of your long (H/C) hair. You gave in and laid back on the soft bed, pulled your hair from under you. You turned away from Kars and he gently ran his fingers through your hair. The sensation was surprising but calming at the same time. You leaned back into Kars's touch and closed your eyes. 

"(Y/N)," you were brought back to reality by Kars's voice, "We would never abandon you." You smiled and drifted off to sleep with a feeling of safety.  -

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