Kars {Safety}

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All I can write is pillarmen :,/ 

(B/F/N) = Best friend's name P.S. You're a smol bean (maybe 8-9 or so)

You kneeled before the altar, your hands clasped in prayer as you made your daily devotion. You silently prayed to Kars, the deity of your village, for a good years harvest and protection for you and your family. You mouthed the words of his prayer and stood, bowing to the statue as you placed your small offering at plaster-kars's feet. You giggled as you looked up at his stone face. 

You jumped down the Sept steps three at a time and stumbled a little when you hit the bottom. You laughed a little as you regained your balance, sticking your arms out like your brothers had taught you to do when trying to balance on tree limbs. 

"Hey (Y/N)!" You heard someone shout. You turned to face the noise. It was (B/F/N)! You're best friend in the village! You always played together and you were basically family. Nothing would ever bring you apart. 

"(B/F/N)!" You ran towards them, tackling them in a hug. 

"Ay, ay! I still need to go do my prayers." They weaseled out of your embrace and ran toward the Sept. "Nos vemos!" You wanted to protest and pull them back for just a teensy tiny game of tag, but you understood the importance of the prayers. 

"Alright... See you then!" You waved goodbye as you took off to the other side of the village. You made sure to go through the market so you could see your second favorite person, second to your best friend of course. 

"Hola chica! You're quite energetic today!"

"Tía!" You turned into her tiny stall where she pulled you into a tight hug. Her dark curly hair fell over her shoulder in an unruly braid and her large hoop earrings grazed your cheeks when she pulled away. You jewelry glinted in the sun, complementing her smooth copper complexion. Her amber eyes shimmered when she smiled at you. 

"What'll you have today, tesorita?"

"The usual, please!" She chuckled and turn away, rummaging through her little cart. She turned back around with a beautiful red apple in her hands. You reached for it but she pulled it away with a tsk.

"Gotta pay." You rolled your eyes and sighed as you leaned up on the tips of your toes to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. She handed you the apple and sent you off with a quick pat on the head. 

"Gracias, Tía!" 

"De nada! Dile a mamá que la amo." You nodded and continued down the main street of the village, dodging people and carts. You turned a corner, nearly barreling into someone carrying several sacks of flour. 

"Hey watch it!"

"Sorry mister!" You called back. You couldn't stop now, you were almost home. You sprinted down the alley, nearly slipping on puddles of mud but recovering every time. You finally skidded to a stop in front of your yard. You stared up at your small house, sure it was tiny and falling apart a little, but it was home. There was a small problem, it was too quiet. Usually your brothers would come pouring out the door with your mother behind them. No one greeted you today. 

You slowly approached the door. Something told you that this was very wrong, yet you couldn't run away. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You froze. It was much larger than any of your family members. 

"I wouldn't go in there." You gasped and tried to turn around, but you were paralyzed by fear. "Do not fear little one. I have come to help you."

"M-mister let me go. I-" He clasped a hand over your mouth and leaned down close. You could feel a sort of fabric close around you. You stared up at your front door as it slowly creaked open. From within came a long, scaly, hand-like appendage. But the fingers were too long and the nails were too sharp. A pair of glowing green eyes stared out at you and you heartbeat quickened. A red liquid seeped out from the small opening and poured over the steps. 

"Non est tibi potestas hic," the man said. His hand left your shoulder as he reached out and a long shiny blade emerged from his skin. You watched him run for the door as a monstrous creature emerged from what you used to call home. You shut your eyes and curled up on the ground, dropping your apple and letting it roll away. You blocked out the sounds as best as you could as you huddled on the ground. 

Soon, you felt the same hand on your cheek. You grit your teeth and turned away. He crouched before you and pulled you into a warm hug. 

"Do not turn away from me, my child." When he pulled away you finally opened your eyes. He looked just like the statue from the Sept. The one you had kneeled at this morning. His piercing violet eyes seemed to stare into your soul and a couple stray strands of purple hair stuck out from under a black head wrap. His face didn't seem so funny now. Your mouth fell open in awe as your mind scrambled to put words together. "I'm sorry but I could not save your family. I was too late."

"B-but my prayers..." You couldn't believe what he was saying. The god before you looked away for a few moments. 

"Even I can make mistakes."

"What about Mamá, Tía Mariah, and Deigo? My brothers, I have to see them!" You tried to wriggle out of his arms. 

"(Y/N). You are not safe here." You fought some more, hitting his chest and arms. 

"No!" You cried. You began to sob, falling to your knees. He picked you up and held you close to him. You continued to cry as he pulled his thick cloak around you and walked away from your home. You couldn't protest. After all, how could you fight a god? 

"I'll protect you, (Y/N)," He muttered as he ducked through the streets, unseen by the people of your village. 

"W-wait!" He stopped and looked down at you patiently. "Can I see Tía Isabella?" He sighed and frowned. 

"I am truly sorry, but we must be leaving now." You nodded and looked down. 

"Will the monster come back? Is that why I can't stay? What about (B/F/N)? If it's not safe they should come to!" Millions of questions flooded your mind. 

"The monster is... I defeated it. But others will come for you, that is why you must leave. For your safety and that of the village."

"But why me?" He simply gave you a curious stare and turned away, taking your hand and walking into the deep brush. You followed, looking back at your village one last time before disappearing into the forest with your god. 

Haha requests? Sorry does that mean Pillarmen? 

The latin Kars uses translates to "you have no power here" for those that wanted to know.


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